AT-43 minis pictures.

Luckily for all concerned, I have some talent at getting bigger images.










Christmas/Xmas/YuleTide? Yes, they'll be out at that time. I'll probably get the starter for the terrain and human figures, then a box of the human I can use them as supplemental figures in SST.
Hiromoon said:
I'll probably get the starter for the terrain and human figures, then a box of the human I can use them as supplemental figures in SST.

That's what I'll do as I've NEVER played any wargames ( I was stumped at having to paint ), I want to at least try another system to see which one I like the most.

So, I'll buy BF:Evo and Starter of AT-43 and compare the rules. The one I like most gets sale in the Sci-fi department. If I prefer the Evo rules, I'll just use the soldiers as SST minis also...
They all look pretty nice to me. Thanks for posting the pics, Hiromoon. These just make me want to see the new BF:Evo and SST:Evo stuff even more. If Mongoose is using Adrian to paint the prototypes that get used as painting masters, the Mongoose minis should look very nice. The pressure is on Adrian to make these the best work he has done, but if it works out, he'll see his work duplicated in the hundreds of thousends. He is going to feel like a chap whose DNA is used to make an army of clones, so the quality of the original will be very important :wink: .
Indeed...and you're welcome! Seriously though, I can't wait to see what I can do with thes AT-43 models in conjunction with the Civilian Militia stuff.
Bear in mind the difference between the studio pics (as seen in the box previews) and the production minis, which I think are fairly disappointing in terms of paint quality.
The human sculpts are good and the mechs are impressive, but the Therians do seem to be Dirz-lite in space.
And I play Dirz, and love the models in normal confrontation.

And add me to the list of people who play Confrontation but found Rag to be glacially slow.
Anyone know offhand how much this boxed set is selling for?

If it's going for the same price as unpainted minis then I'm quite happy about the quality of the pre-paints and would be happy if SST:E and BFE went in this direction.


Heh... Yeah. But basically I'll get one of those sets, come up with rules for the walker (of course, it'll be something like an armored civilian power lifter), and use that as a civilian militia force for SST.
Eisho said:
Anyone know offhand how much this boxed set is selling for?

If it's going for the same price as unpainted minis then I'm quite happy about the quality of the pre-paints and would be happy if SST:E and BFE went in this direction.



80 Euros
Blimey, that was quick. :D

Price seems very reasonable to me. By the time I've paid for parking, tickets and a couple of beers and hot dogs me and my wife would pay about that to see a movie out here!!

I think Mongoose's plans for prepainted minatures at a reasonable price is a good way to go. I agree with Lorcan that $80 for 2 combat striders, 9 human infantry, 8 aliens, a tap measure, the terrain pieces is just a bit much.
I think the sheer size of the box isn't helping. You could pack the stuff in there in a much more economic fashion, knock a third to a half of the box off, and easily drop the price by $10-15.