GbajiTheDeceiver said:Here's an idea.
The same armour on certain locations could have less AP. For example, Chainmail skirts or trews might be made of lighter metal/thinner links, for added mobility, whereas mobility wouldn't be such an issue on the chest, and so would be the full AP.
Yes it is. I'm sort of trying to stick within the confines compatiblity of the core book. Basically this was a patch to fix a couple of things on the offical armor chart.
I woudln't mind adding in "light: version of some of the armors. Basically trading off some AP protection, reducing ENC and also the skill penalty. Looks like a -1AP, -1 ENC would work for about two-thirds the cost.
With a 6 point armor scale, there is going to be a lot of overlap though.
I would also love to bring back the layering rules-at least for padded armor. Mail (i'd rather use the corrent terms) is pratically uselss without padding, as are practically all metal armors.
Even tweaking coverage a little stuff like:
skirt covering loc 3, 6-10
Vambraces covering loc 14 & 17
rebraces coverin gloc 15 & 18
elbow and knee pieces, booots etc.
Very nice but probably more than what most people will want.