Armageddon and the old Tourney list

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looks fine to me if you drop fractions (which I think is fine in this case as you cant roll 1.3 d6s :P). However you SHOULD bear in mind that any crits caused by the TD weapon are liable to be considerably more devastating...
Locutus9956 said:
looks fine to me if you drop fractions (which I think is fine in this case as you cant roll 1.3 d6s :P). However you SHOULD bear in mind that any crits caused by the TD weapon are liable to be considerably more devastating...

A yes.
I´ve ignored the Crits, because with 2 hits there is on average no crit. Only with 3 hits you have a crit and so the 6 AD DD does even more damage.
Because with 6 ADs you have on average a crit with 4 ADs not.

But again I´m not so good the posibility mathematics so if I had made mistakes please correct me.
When talking about averages you have to assume you're doing it a large number of times, not just 1 roll. So the fractions will apply.

Against hull 6:
4AD Beam gets hits 2.796 (2 on 4+, 0.66666 on 5+, 0.11111 on 6+, 0.0185 on 6+ ...), for 8.3888 damage.
6AD Beam gets hits 4.194 (3 on 4+, 1 on 5+, 0.166666 on 6+, 0.027777 on 6+ ...), for 8.3888 damage.

Yes the TD crits will be more devastating, but with 6AD you'll get more of them. Again on average, they balance out. 6AD is 50% more AD than 4AD, and TD is 50% more damage than DD.
Thanks Burger for the correct numbers .

With these numbers we can now discuss if it´s better to get more crits ore fewer crits which have a more devastating effect.

I´m more for the more crits, because with the side effects (Like "No Weapon firing" or "No SA") it´s in my opinion better to have more crits.

And becasue I´ve started with the Warlock above I will note, that the Warlock has a boresight weapon and that´s a reason too why I think it needs 6 AD. It´s only a note not realy important now for the discussion which numbers of AD for DD/TD are better.
Yes, more crits is better I'd say, because of the effects. Also you are spreading your chances of getting the really good ones such as 4-6 and 6-6.

Actually there is one factor I forgot in my stats, and that is bulkhead hits. TD and DD both do 1 point of damage for bulkheads, so that would make 6AD DD slightly better than 4AD TD.

And if your target has Adaptive Armour, DD is better since you'll never lose out on any damage due to rounding down. 1 hit DD does the same damage as 1 hit TD against Adaptive Armour.
Burger said:
Yes, more crits is better I'd say, because of the effects. Also you are spreading your chances of getting the really good ones such as 4-6 and 6-6.

Actually there is one factor I forgot in my stats, and that is bulkhead hits. TD and DD both do 1 point of damage for bulkheads, so that would make 6AD DD slightly better than 4AD TD.

And if your target has Adaptive Armour, DD is better since you'll never lose out on any damage due to rounding down. 1 hit DD does the same damage as 1 hit TD against Adaptive Armour.

Has someone replaced burger with a calculator?
Goldritter said:
I´ve tried to convert the (old) RPG ship stats into the Silhouette System.
I´ve many ships in the beta phase, but has nobody to test them.
So I cant say how good/bad the conversion was.

That could be interesting to see. I used to play Heavy Gear a while ago and was quite impressed by Sillouhette as a system. Particularly as production quirks were built into the vehicle design process.

Would you be willing to pass on the conversion?
Silvereye said:
Goldritter said:
I´ve tried to convert the (old) RPG ship stats into the Silhouette System.
I´ve many ships in the beta phase, but has nobody to test them.
So I cant say how good/bad the conversion was.

That could be interesting to see. I used to play Heavy Gear a while ago and was quite impressed by Sillouhette as a system. Particularly as production quirks were built into the vehicle design process.

Would you be willing to pass on the conversion?

No Problem.
Send me your e-mail Adress (per PM) and I send it to you.
I´ve OpenOffice and Exel sheets.

And I´ve done the conversion with the first Edition of the Silhouette Core Rules. So there can be some differences with the "new" Edition.
Goldritter said:
Silvereye said:
Goldritter said:
I´ve tried to convert the (old) RPG ship stats into the Silhouette System.
I´ve many ships in the beta phase, but has nobody to test them.
So I cant say how good/bad the conversion was.

That could be interesting to see. I used to play Heavy Gear a while ago and was quite impressed by Sillouhette as a system. Particularly as production quirks were built into the vehicle design process.

Would you be willing to pass on the conversion?

No Problem.
Send me your e-mail Adress (per PM) and I send it to you.
I´ve OpenOffice and Exel sheets.

And I´ve done the conversion with the first Edition of the Silhouette Core Rules. So there can be some differences with the "new" Edition.

GoldRitter, I'd also like to playtest that stuff as well - would make an interesting change to my wee gaming circle :)

PM sent with Email address.
Celisasu said:
So.....when do we get an online tournament list so we can play balanced games? :wink:

The pre Armagedodn/Post SFOS tourney pack is here:

In case you were being serious
