Arguments for & against point-buy chargen

Nobby-W said:
I've done hybrid systems on a few occasions.
  • On the automatic skills for each service, give the player a choice amongst 2-5 different skills.

Cool idea, consider that yanked! Probably Service Skills Table but maybe Pers Dev too... hmmm...

Regardless, good idea, thanks!
I have always used the "Guided Random" principle for Character Gen.

When a player rolls for a skill, they roll first, THEN pick the table for the skill. SO, they get to select from 3-4 skills (usually). That makes it still relatively random, but directed randomness.

I also feel that more closely matches real life. You get choices, each choice leads to a skill, but there are only limited choices at a time...

It seems like it is a nice balance that has worked well for my games.
RogerMc said:
This really only applies to Classic Traveller and is addressed by both basic training and background and connection skill packages in MGT2

So every Scout has at least Pilot-0 and every party should have at least one Pilot-1 or whatever however they roll.

And your average 4 term MGT character should have 2-5 background skills at-0, at least six basic training skills at-0, a minimum of 3 1+ skills and probably 1 to as many as 6 more depending on advancement and event rolls plus 2 connection skills and one or two background package skills.

Something I'm experimenting with now is rolling up characters who roll every term once each on all the skill tables they are eligible for but having all skills earned from the table start at 0 rather than 1 and dispensing with extra background and connection skills.

This seems to produce much more rounded and plausible characters who can do everything you'd expect someone from that career to be able to do but will by looks of it need balancing out by being tougher on difficulty levels or maybe applying bane dice a lot more.

Another alternative is to let them roll once per term as usual but let them choose the table after the roll - or just plain choose your term skills without any point-counting required.

You can end up somewhat unsuited for high-end stuff but between:
~ Connections
~ Rank-Granted Skills
~ Basic Training
~ Background Education

The only reason you don't have a needed skill at at least rank 0 or 1 in your party is if you chose not to have it.