Argh! - Pocket Edition p. 94ish?!


In the Conan RPG Pocket Edition, turning from p. 93 to p. 94, the text from the top of p. 94 through the second paragraph under "Left for Dead" on p. 96 duplicates that which preceeded it. Was there supposed to be something else there that is now missing? Or did this just extend the page count a bit, or something else altogether?

[I don't recall this being posted before...]
Well I don't have the Pocket Edition, so I can't help you directly. I do have the AE though, which is supposed to contain the same text as the Pocket Edition, so if you like I can check if there seems to be anything missing. What are the subheadings on your pages 93-96?

(Of course, it would be easiest if someone who has both the AE and Pocket Edition could compare and check if there is something missing.)
I have both as well, but at a certain point, one can only speculate whether it is simply a duplication situation, or whether something was copied over / left out...
slaughterj said:
In the Conan RPG Pocket Edition, turning from p. 93 to p. 94, the text from the top of p. 94 through the second paragraph under "Left for Dead" on p. 96 duplicates that which preceeded it. Was there supposed to be something else there that is now missing? Or did this just extend the page count a bit, or something else altogether?

[I don't recall this being posted before...]
Oh crap! :shock: :x Oh geez, it seems like every product Mongoose comes out with has stupid mistakes like this, at least in the Conan line, what the hell! Well, don't worry slaughterj, there's no missing material, the section on Rounding Out Your Character is immediately after the thief abilitiy descriptions (Poison Use). (Mumbling to self: weren't they supposed to have hired a proofreader and an editor for these freakin' games? Another example of some idiot asleep at the word processor. :roll: )
slaughterj said:
I have both as well, but at a certain point, one can only speculate whether it is simply a duplication situation, or whether something was copied over / left out...
OK, gottcha.
But if there is no text missing from the AE, then it must surely be a case of simple duplication.
Thats of course still an editing mistake, but at least its better than if there were a couple of pages missing.
Trodax said:
slaughterj said:
I have both as well, but at a certain point, one can only speculate whether it is simply a duplication situation, or whether something was copied over / left out...
OK, gottcha.
But if there is no text missing from the AE, then it must surely be a case of simple duplication.
Thats of course still an editing mistake, but at least its better than if there were a couple of pages missing.

Yep, I'm hoping that is all it is, and per Bregales, it might be, then it's just a little annoyance, nothing more.