Aquilonia hardcover


This release for February 2005 has been mentioned here and here.
Conan Aquilonia HardCover (OGL) - $34.95
From the palatial splendour of the capital, Tarantia, to the rural tranquillity of the Tauran and the brooding nobles of Poitain, this d20 sourcebook for the Conan RPG details Hyboria's greatest kingdom, Aquilonia, the Flower of the West, destined to be ruled over by the mighty Conan himself!
Who's the author? (Please, RPG companies, credit your authors prominently.) Will it have adventures? Maps?
Faraer said:
This release for February 2005 has been mentioned here and here.
Conan Aquilonia HardCover (OGL) - $34.95
From the palatial splendour of the capital, Tarantia, to the rural tranquillity of the Tauran and the brooding nobles of Poitain, this d20 sourcebook for the Conan RPG details Hyboria's greatest kingdom, Aquilonia, the Flower of the West, destined to be ruled over by the mighty Conan himself!
Who's the author? (Please, RPG companies, credit your authors prominently.) Will it have adventures? Maps?
Hardcover means probably something like 180-200 pages with an adventure or a campaign (like the coming "Thunder River").
As to the guys who write it, Mongoose recently employed 2 authors (after an on-line application) to do the job.
Faraer said:
This release for February 2005 has been mentioned here and here.
Conan Aquilonia HardCover (OGL) - $34.95
From the palatial splendour of the capital, Tarantia, to the rural tranquillity of the Tauran and the brooding nobles of Poitain, this d20 sourcebook for the Conan RPG details Hyboria's greatest kingdom, Aquilonia, the Flower of the West, destined to be ruled over by the mighty Conan himself!
Who's the author? (Please, RPG companies, credit your authors prominently.) Will it have adventures? Maps?

AFAIK, Vincent Darlage is writing Aquilonia.
I wonder how is it going to look like. Is it going to expand or repeat & expand information from the corebook and the Road of Kings? Repeating the stuff might be annoying, on the other hand however, it would be uncomfortable to drag along core, RoK and Aquilonia just to run a game set in the "proudest kingdom of the Worldl". Besides, I think RoK is enough to do it - I don't need super-detailed books that make me memorize each tavern, noble and horse in town.

PS. I'd like a bigger map, though.
PPS. Some new rules and (especially) background on Aquilonian knights would be also great.
PPPS. And an adventure!
PPPPS. And some plans - cities, villages, some no-name houses or other buildings. Everything typically Aquilonian.
I agree Vincent. RoK is a great resource, but the wealth of information in Across Thunder River is invaluable. I'm running a game in the Westermarck right now, and it's so much better than if I simply had RoK. I don't expect these type of hardbacks for all of the countries, but they're great to really make the main ones 'come alive'.
Yes, all great countries should receive hard cover while small kingdoms should be (IMO) included with the greater one. Example:
- Khauran and Khoraja with Koth
- Border Kingdoms and Nemedia
- Kosala, Kambuja and Meru with Vendhya
- All the black kingdoms together