Conan Product List


Besides the product listed in Bold Dark Red below, does anyone know which of these items is 2nd Edition or will be re-released under 2nd Edition?

Across the Thunder River

Aquilonia - Flower of the West

Argos and Zingara

Bestiary of the Hyborian Age

Black Stones of Kovag Re

Coming of Hanuman

Conan and The Lurking Terror Of Nahab

Conan and the Tower of the Elephant

Conan Games Master's Screen

Conan the Roleplaying Game (pocket Version)

Conan the Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition

Conan the Roleplaying Game: Atlantean Edition

Faith and Fervour

Heretics of Tarantia

Hyboria's Fallen Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses

Hyboria's Fiercest - Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads

Hyboria's Finest Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers

Messantia - City of Riches

Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age

Reavers of the Vilayet

Return to the Road of Kings

Ruins of Hyboria

Secrets of Skelos

Shadizar - City of Wickedness

Shem - Gateway to the South

Stygia - Serpent of the South

Tales of the Black Kingdoms

The Conan Compendium

The Free Companies

The Pirate Isles

The Road of Kings

The Scrolls of Skelos

Tito's Trading Post

Edit: Updated the Bold-DarkRed
Bestiary of the Hyborian Age and the Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age are 2E. Don't know which will be re-released.

maladaar said:
Besides the product listed in Bold Dark Red below, does anyone know which of these items is 2nd Edition or will be re-released under 2nd Edition?

Across the Thunder River

Aquilonia - Flower of the West

Argos and Zingara

Bestiary of the Hyborian Age

Black Stones of Kovag Re

Coming of Hanuman

Conan and The Lurking Terror Of Nahab

Conan and the Tower of the Elephant

Conan Games Master's Screen

Conan the Roleplaying Game (pocket Version)

Conan the Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition

Conan the Roleplaying Game: Atlantean Edition

Faith and Fervour

Heretics of Tarantia

Hyboria's Fallen Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses

Hyboria's Fiercest - Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads

Hyboria's Finest Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers

Messantia - City of Riches

Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age

Reavers of the Vilayet

Return to the Road of Kings

Ruins of Hyboria

Secrets of Skelos

Shadizar - City of Wickedness

Shem - Gateway to the South

Stygia - Serpent of the South

Tales of the Black Kingdoms

The Conan Compendium

The Free Companies

The Pirate Isles

The Road of Kings

The Scrolls of Skelos

Tito's Trading Post
What's the point in reprinting them in 2nd Ed anyways? The changes between the editions are so minor, you won't even see the difference. Every book edited so far for the 1st or Atlantean editions is totally compatible with the 2nd Ed.
Hervé said:
What's the point in reprinting them in 2nd Ed anyways? The changes between the editions are so minor, you won't even see the difference. Every book edited so far for the 1st or Atlantean editions is totally compatible with the 2nd Ed.

And that's why I've stopped buying Conan books.
Too bad the campaign was postponed. At least we can hope it's 100% new material, even if I'll wait for a review or two to make sure it's not rewritten S&P adventures.

Hi warzen!:wink:
If you're talking about Trial of Blood, it will be entiely new stuff, written by Bryan Steele. Too bad my current campaign takes place some 20 years or so before Conan's reign! I'll get it anyways and I'll let you know.
Mongoose preview: