Besides the product listed in Bold Dark Red below, does anyone know which of these items is 2nd Edition or will be re-released under 2nd Edition?
Across the Thunder River
Aquilonia - Flower of the West
Argos and Zingara
Bestiary of the Hyborian Age
Black Stones of Kovag Re
Coming of Hanuman
Conan and The Lurking Terror Of Nahab
Conan and the Tower of the Elephant
Conan Games Master's Screen
Conan the Roleplaying Game (pocket Version)
Conan the Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition
Conan the Roleplaying Game: Atlantean Edition
Faith and Fervour
Heretics of Tarantia
Hyboria's Fallen Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses
Hyboria's Fiercest - Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads
Hyboria's Finest Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers
Messantia - City of Riches
Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age
Reavers of the Vilayet
Return to the Road of Kings
Ruins of Hyboria
Secrets of Skelos
Shadizar - City of Wickedness
Shem - Gateway to the South
Stygia - Serpent of the South
Tales of the Black Kingdoms
The Conan Compendium
The Free Companies
The Pirate Isles
The Road of Kings
The Scrolls of Skelos
Tito's Trading Post
Edit: Updated the Bold-DarkRed
Across the Thunder River
Aquilonia - Flower of the West
Argos and Zingara
Bestiary of the Hyborian Age
Black Stones of Kovag Re
Coming of Hanuman
Conan and The Lurking Terror Of Nahab
Conan and the Tower of the Elephant
Conan Games Master's Screen
Conan the Roleplaying Game (pocket Version)
Conan the Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition
Conan the Roleplaying Game: Atlantean Edition
Faith and Fervour
Heretics of Tarantia
Hyboria's Fallen Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses
Hyboria's Fiercest - Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads
Hyboria's Finest Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers
Messantia - City of Riches
Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age
Reavers of the Vilayet
Return to the Road of Kings
Ruins of Hyboria
Secrets of Skelos
Shadizar - City of Wickedness
Shem - Gateway to the South
Stygia - Serpent of the South
Tales of the Black Kingdoms
The Conan Compendium
The Free Companies
The Pirate Isles
The Road of Kings
The Scrolls of Skelos
Tito's Trading Post
Edit: Updated the Bold-DarkRed