I'm trying to complete my collection of MGP Conan products and I have been unable to find a complete list of products elsewhere so I have compiled my own.
MGP5598 The Coming of Hanuman
MGP5599 The Black Stones of Kovag-Re
MGP7701 Conan - The Roleplaying Game
MGP7702 The Scrolls of Skelos
MGP7703 The Road of Kings
MGP7704 Pirate Isles
MGP7705 Across The Thunder River
MGP7706 The Free Companies
MGP7707 Game Master's Screen
MGP7708 Shadizar - City of Wickeness
MGP7709 Messantia - City of Riches
MGP7710 Aquilonia - The Flower of the West
MGP7711 Conan - The Roleplaying Game (Pocket Edition)
MGP7712 The Shadow of the Sorceror (canceled)
MGP7713 Hyboria's Fiercest: Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads
MGP7714 Tales of the Black Kingdoms
MGP7715 Hyboria's Finest: Nobles, Scholars and Soldiers
MGP7716 Heretics of Tarantia
MGP7717 Hyboria's Fallen: Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses
MGP7718 The Lurking Terror of Nahab
MGP7719 Tower of the Elephant Adventure Softcover
MGP7720 To Save A Kingdom (canceled)
MGP7721 Tito's Trading Post
MGP7722 Stygia - The Serpent of the South
MGP7723 Faith and Fervour
MGP7724 Ruins of Hyboria
MGP7725 Argos and Zingara
MGP7726 (canceled and replaced by MGP7818)
MGP7727 Reavers of the Vilayet
MGP7728 Shem - Gateway to the South
MGP7729 The Conan Compendium
MGP7800 Conan - The Roleplaying Game Rulebook (2nd Edition)
MGP7801 Game Master's Screen, 2nd Edition (canceled)
MGP7802 Return to the Road of Kings
MGP7803 Bestiary of the Hyborian Age
MGP7804 ??? (canceled)
MGP7805 Secrets of Skelos
MGP7806 Heroes and Archvillains (canceled)
MGP7807 Adventures in the Hyborian Age
MGP7808 Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age
MGP7809 Trial of Blood
MGP7810 ??? (canceled)
MGP7811 Cimmeria
MGP7812 Cities of Hyboria
MGP7813 Khitai
MGP7814 ??? (canceled)
MGP7815 Betrayer of Asgard
MGP7816 The Warrior's Companion
MGP7817 Catacombs of Hyboria
MGP7818 Empires of the Hyborian Age (free download)
MGP7819 Thief's Companion (canceled, to be published as S&P articles)
I have deliberately omitted the Signs & Portents articles since there is separate sticky post for that. I encourage others to review my list and comment on any errors or omissions.
MGP5598 The Coming of Hanuman
MGP5599 The Black Stones of Kovag-Re
MGP7701 Conan - The Roleplaying Game
MGP7702 The Scrolls of Skelos
MGP7703 The Road of Kings
MGP7704 Pirate Isles
MGP7705 Across The Thunder River
MGP7706 The Free Companies
MGP7707 Game Master's Screen
MGP7708 Shadizar - City of Wickeness
MGP7709 Messantia - City of Riches
MGP7710 Aquilonia - The Flower of the West
MGP7711 Conan - The Roleplaying Game (Pocket Edition)
MGP7712 The Shadow of the Sorceror (canceled)
MGP7713 Hyboria's Fiercest: Barbarians, Borderers and Nomads
MGP7714 Tales of the Black Kingdoms
MGP7715 Hyboria's Finest: Nobles, Scholars and Soldiers
MGP7716 Heretics of Tarantia
MGP7717 Hyboria's Fallen: Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses
MGP7718 The Lurking Terror of Nahab
MGP7719 Tower of the Elephant Adventure Softcover
MGP7720 To Save A Kingdom (canceled)
MGP7721 Tito's Trading Post
MGP7722 Stygia - The Serpent of the South
MGP7723 Faith and Fervour
MGP7724 Ruins of Hyboria
MGP7725 Argos and Zingara
MGP7726 (canceled and replaced by MGP7818)
MGP7727 Reavers of the Vilayet
MGP7728 Shem - Gateway to the South
MGP7729 The Conan Compendium
MGP7800 Conan - The Roleplaying Game Rulebook (2nd Edition)
MGP7801 Game Master's Screen, 2nd Edition (canceled)
MGP7802 Return to the Road of Kings
MGP7803 Bestiary of the Hyborian Age
MGP7804 ??? (canceled)
MGP7805 Secrets of Skelos
MGP7806 Heroes and Archvillains (canceled)
MGP7807 Adventures in the Hyborian Age
MGP7808 Player's Guide to the Hyborian Age
MGP7809 Trial of Blood
MGP7810 ??? (canceled)
MGP7811 Cimmeria
MGP7812 Cities of Hyboria
MGP7813 Khitai
MGP7814 ??? (canceled)
MGP7815 Betrayer of Asgard
MGP7816 The Warrior's Companion
MGP7817 Catacombs of Hyboria
MGP7818 Empires of the Hyborian Age (free download)
MGP7819 Thief's Companion (canceled, to be published as S&P articles)
I have deliberately omitted the Signs & Portents articles since there is separate sticky post for that. I encourage others to review my list and comment on any errors or omissions.