Anyone tried to run "The Traveller Adventuere" in

Sir Brad

Banded Mongoose
as the tag line sais has Anyone tried to run "The Traveller Adventure" in this Edition?

and if so how did it run?

I've got six prospective players (for a group size of 4).

for sure is a 4 term Merchant (with Ship).

Possibles include a Marine (3 terms), a Navy/Drifter/ Journalist (One Term each), an Army Medic (4 Terms), a 9 Term Cop and one other that haven't made up his character yet, the Cop is facing an "Ageing Crisis" so the player may make up an other character.
Yeah, I am running "The Traveller Adventure" right now. I wrote a post mortem for the first session here: on pg 2. Im making quite a few little changes. Such as “Uncle” Baseru in Aramis and made the Vargr work for him so he could send the players to look for him. I am also thinking of having the Vargr kidnapped right away off of Aramis.
Ok Last Saturday and Sunday we started,

the characters are (Ladies First)

Kira March 9A9CCB (-C) "Master" of the R2 Harrier Class March Harrier a five Term Merchant, she ended up a Creditor of her now Defunct Sub-sector Line where she reached the Rank of First Officer, to clear the Debts the Courts has recognised she was owed she was granted 50% Title on one of their uncomplicated ships she cashed in almost the entire the remainder of her savings to acquire a further 25% and the Balance on Mortgage. due to carring some Vilani blood she looks just over her almost 40 years

Eda Wise ABB9A7 (-A), Three terms Marine (one as an officer) with a background in Shipboard & Spec Opps and Intelligence, she has the look (and some Ancestry) of a Sword Worlder, she has bean hired on as Security and a Ships Apprentice.

Hammond Burns BACBA6, Five Term Army NCO as an Infantry Medic with some time in Protected Forces and Spec Opps, he is still friends with an Irklan Ex-Lover he linked up with wile in Special Forces. he has bean hired as Ships Doctor

Jack Lions 989894, four term Starship Construction Worker, well connected in the Quadrants Ship Construction Guild, after the collapse of a Sub-Sector Line that was over invested in new construction he was laid off and has gained a post as the Engineer on one of the ships he helped build.

"Leedor on Aramis" whent as in the book, "Serch for Longer Legs" was turned in to a Scare instead since they have an R2 and didn't need the Tanks they insted took the 40K and boogied out to Patinir after seeing some Tukera Corp Secs go to work on a Fraudster in the Street "Patinir Belt was as in the book but they didn't bite on Pysadi and after a few tries i didn't continue to push. "First Call at Zila" had a few problems (post more tomorow) and tonight we got about half way through "Wolf at the Door"
Are you running the Vaghr as a NPC? I’m temped to have mine kidnapped off the top and have "Uncle" ask the players to find him, as he is Haut-Oderlinds Man (or dog?). I want to try to bring some of the parts of the adventure more together.

I am not a big fan of the Pysadi thing and might do a patron adventure to do some bootlegging and a little high roller gambling game for the underground rich and corrupt of the hyper religious planet in Patinir Belt. I think the bootlegging will help the team get involved with the winery later on.

What do you think?
Good Idea, is bean a few times since I've done the Pysadi thing myself, usually I've got Bootleggers trying to get their "Stuff" off world or some Religious Refugees trying to Flee, even had a Tukera crew man caught up in the whole "Mother Church" thing and his mates hired the PC's to bust him out.

on Pysadi things went Pair shaped when Cpt. March (Broker-2 Steward-2) had a run of Hot Dice and filled the ship by the afternoon of day two and Boasted around lunchtime of day 3.

"First Call at Zila" was a bit tough because the PC's where busy little Monkeys and didn't go drinking, took me a few days of Bureaucratic BS to force Kira to scream "I need a Drink!" of cause on a new set of Hot Dice the player almost defused the fight seen.

when the PC's saw Bannerji on the Telle during "Wolf at the Door" two players literally slapped their Foreheads said "Dur!" and finally pieced together the Sternmetal's plot (they where Suspicious after "Patinir Belt"), they where about to Burn Giilaan's cover but Ella stopped them, but after they X-Boated him after Patinir, I did the Math and he would have bean coming through Aramanx when the PC's X-Boated him again, the PC's didn't know and figuered they could make some Cash if they where to find out more or even Snatch him. at the moment their Didi-Diding to Bannerjii's ship.
My players want a kick up the Ass, I want to have them do some of the stuff from Patrons and Exotic Encounters, but all they want to head back to Zila, but I'd prefer to have them kick around the Towers Cluster for a bit as things feel like their moving to fast.

I want to show them Prosperity and Progress being reconditioned at Junidy (they will show up in the final chapter).

well they finished "Wolf at the Door" tonight, I think stuffed up Fire Combat, but everything else went well (except me accidentally giving the PC's some SMGs) until I opened up the Campaign at the end of the session, where looking at a Mid Week game next.
Sir Brad said:
My players want a kick up the Ass, I want to have them do some of the stuff from Patrons and Exotic Encounters, but all they want to head back to Zila, but I'd prefer to have them kick around the Towers Cluster for a bit as things feel like their moving to fast...

Not a fan of the adventure, never ran it, looked like too many plot issues for me to fix at the time (and I'd just reworked the SMC adventure) but if you want to keep them in the Towers Cluster for a bit that seems pretty easy to me...

"You're filling the dismountable tanks in the hold for the double jump to Zila when (1-you notice the pressure test fails, 2-5 fuel leak alarms start going off, 6 a spark ignites a fuel leak in the cargo hold and the flash fire explosion destroys all the cargo and dismountable tanks). Fortunately no damage to the ship or people happens. Those dismountable tanks must have been old and badly maintained under that glossy new paint job."

So now they have no way to leave the cluster until new tanks are (found, made, stolen... ) and they may have lost some money they need to make up. They'll be busy making J1s all across the Towers Cluster now until you are ready to provide the new dismountable tanks. If they want to try to find some, it'll be a long search. If they want to have them made it'll take a while (not a priority for a shipyard), months at least (and you could even run a variation of Exit Visa in getting the order placed :twisted: ). If they want to steal some, well first they have to find them, yep another long search.
I'm a bit late to the discussion, but thought I'd add that I'm running the Traveller Adventure as a play-by-post game right now.

My main issue with the adventure is that the hooks just really seem to suck. I couldn't see my players caring about Gvoudzon enough as a random NPC to risk legal trouble for him right off the bat, so I tied him to a couple of them through their character generation background. It means that a couple of them know a bit more about Gvoudzon's background than the adventure assumes, but only bits and pieces.

I'm also planning on having Eneri reveal himself as NI right from the start, otherwise my group isn't likely to care much about what he has to say. They're about to meet him.

With play-by-post it's taken us a couple of weeks to just get through the first few days on Aramis (they've gotten themselves sidetracked several times already, and I'm just learning how to pace things online).
As an aside to this, how would you price passengers and cargo for a 2 week J-2 trip, with a DS jump in the middle? How much of a discount would you have to charge to get passengers?
Supergamera said:
As an aside to this, how would you price passengers and cargo for a 2 week J-2 trip, with a DS jump in the middle? How much of a discount would you have to charge to get passengers?

My thoughts on that issue are that IF* you allowed it you'd only be able to charge the standard rate, as if the ship was making a straight J2. But your expenses are double for life support and there would probably be fewer passengers and freight willing to take the extra week and all it entails.

* personally I'd say you'd never find passengers or freight for anything except a direct jump, your only revenue options on such a trip would be speculative cargo and/or charter tickets.
I would charge standard rate for the distance travelled just as if it were a regular jump-2 trip.

I have both in-game and out-of-game reasons for that.

In-game, the passengers on a non-dedicated liner (ie. a PC's ship) are already the oddballs who haven't been able to find a better way to get to where they're going, and can't generally afford to be choosy. When factoring in life support, the ship actually has greater costs than a Jump-2 vessel making the same journey, so the standard rate is already a discount when compared to the costs involved.

Out of game, under the Mongoose rules passenger transport is already a tiny fraction of the business for a Fat Trader, and I'm not going to penalize the players further for trying to engage in it, especially when passengers are an easy way to introduce some interesting scenarios.
Where is this 'Traveller Adventure' to be found, is it an S&P thing or in a previous edition?
It's from when TLBB's went to a larger format with "The Traveller Book", it was a Mega-Adventure/Short Campaign, set just before the Fifth Frontier War.
My group played this a couple of years ago (using some house rules that the Referee found), at least until the guy running it moved out-of-state.

If he ever returns to our state while I'm still in it, he's finishing it.
Myrm said:
Where is this 'Traveller Adventure' to be found, is it an S&P thing or in a previous edition?
On my desk... oh you mean if you want to get it :wink:

It was never reprinted in dead tree format, but I'm pretty sure you can get it as part of the Classic Traveller CD-ROM from Marc Miller.
Fulminata said:
Myrm said:
Where is this 'Traveller Adventure' to be found, is it an S&P thing or in a previous edition?
...I'm pretty sure you can get it as part of the Classic Traveller CD-ROM from Marc Miller.

Correct, through FFE:

The "Classic Traveller" collection is the one it's on.