Anyone ever played "after" Wrath of the Ancients?


Banded Mongoose
Because Wrath of the ancients ends with the players having a lot of personal and material bennies and goes on what they might do with it. Obviously very general, because at this point: "Take over the Third Imperium" is a viable, if long term goal, but I expect most players just end the campaign with the final victory.

But has anyone here ever said: "Let's just keep going?" as a GM?
Ask yourself why grandfather has hidden away for the past 300,000 years...

he has an insight to what is really out there, never mind his children and grandchildren.

If I were ever to run this campaign I would introduce a lot of hints to some of my setting secrets, once the players consider themselves super heroes and can take over the Imperium they begin to learn the truth.

There is a reason why grandfather spread humanity and the Vargr...
I can't see why one would want to. The apocalypse the PCs unleash on Charted Space isn't worth surviving.
I mean, I'm down for an epic level game and all, but player characters in control of massive amounts of functioning Ancients technology, along with the sponsorship of Yaskoydray or another Ancient, would utterly wreck the milieu. Don't get me wrong here... I'm not saying that 'your' players wouldn't act with restraint and due consideration for the consequences but we've all played and refereed groups that have no such limitations on their actions. And I don't trust my players with Battle Dress and FGMPs I'm sure as Hell not gonna give them TL 30 matter converters.
There is a great danger in post-apocalypse games in that they can easily degrade into an extended firefight over an unopened case of dog food. Unless the PCs are principled and wise, such an apocalypse is all too likely to happen.
I'm glad MJD explored the Ancients metagame to its 'unleash the hounds' end, but I really prefer a more restrained version of the Ancients where they remain mysterious and random. And I really try to limit the consequences of player error to something more manageable.
But then, YTUMV and all that.
Just finished and each of the group members wrote a short follow up as to what their characters would do going forward.
One created/found their own pocket universe and cut themselves off from the Universe.
One spent his money being a playboy and eventually undertook a series of high profile bank heists and was always on the move.
One went back to academia but never disussed where the had been, they keep in touch with the final member.
The final member travels the galaxy alert for the rise of another Ancient and keeping an eye on Droyne colonies for signs of subjugation. Should the need ever arise he'll pull the team back together.