Any ideas for a Middle Earth RQ game?

Yes, there should be an OFF TOPIC Thread that the forum adiministrator can remove messages that are off topic and stick them over there with a link to the original forum.

I would definately want to have halflings (hobbits) in a Middle Earth game. The race was there in the Lord of the Rings so they existed in previous times too (in one form or another). Smeagol was a halfling type creature once too.

In "The Hobbit" Tolkein says the Tooks would occasionally go off adventuring and I would like to be able to play out some of those adventures and if their is a Shire who is to say that there is not some other areas where "wee folk" live in quiet simplicity tucked out of the way from the major world players notice (and occasionally have adventures).
Hey, in defense of our threadjacking selves, a seperate thread just for bad halfling jokes did start after this.

You will lose 1d3 INT if you read all the posts over there.
On the other hand. Why do we have 3 or 4 LOTR/ME RQ threads all discussing the same thing?

At least I wrote up character generation rules for Middle-Earth RQ.
It's typical that people new to the forum just post thier questions or observations as a new thread before reading or searching for other threads that may pertain. Just post a link to the other threads in that case.
this is a list of skills for a Middle-earth setting. Its largelly inspired by Decipher's rpg. I have changed some of the name of the skills and some of the related Characteristics. I will try to include a short description for the new skills soon.

Acrobatics(same as in RQ)
Boating(same as in RQ)
Climb(str+nim) (it replace the athletics skill)
Craft(see RQ, but use dex+int)
Dodge(see RQ)
First aid(see RQ)
Games(either 10+dex or 10+int)
Healing(see RQ)
Dance(see RQ)
Disguise(see RQ)
Jump(str+dex) (it replace the Athletics skill)
Language(see RQ)
Lore(see RQ) (animal, plant, world, race/culture, history, realm, magic, group etc.)
Mimicry(pow) (advanced)
Perception(see RQ)
Persistence(see RQ)
Play instrument(see RQ)
Resilience(see RQ, also used to resist fatigue)
Riding(see RQ)
Sing(see RQ)
Shiphandling(see RQ)
Siegecraft(advanced, int)
sleight(see RQ)
Smithcraft(advanced, int+str, choose a specialty: amoursmith, goldsmith, jewelsmith, weaponsmith etc.(specialty give you +10%)
stealth(see RQ)
Stonecraft(advanced, str+int, choose a specialty: building, fortification,mining)
Survival(see RQ, but it is a basic skill. choose a specialtylike forest,mountains)
Swim(str+nim)(replaces the Athletics Skill)
Throwing(see RQ, use this skill for ALL thrown weapons)
Teamster(see RQ Driving)
Tracking(see RQ)(but no need to test every 10 minutes!)
Unarmed(see RQ, but use str+siz)

And I prefer to use decipher attribute's name, like Vitality, wits and nimbleness instead of constitution, intelligence and dexterity.