Adira GEG

The GEG reduces the damage and crew from every weapon attacking the ship by its rating (3 in this case). Except for Crits, which go straight through.

Example: an Omega scores 6 hits with its Double Damage beam.
Rolling for damage: 2, 2,3,4,5,6.
4 standard hits = 8 damage, 8 crew.
This is reduced by three: the ships suffers 5 damage & crew loss.

The crit goes straight through, doing 2 damage, 2 crew and the additiona effect is 1,1 (typical!) so this does 2 damage, 2 crew and -1 speed.

Total = 7 damage, 7 crew.

Example 2: 4 Aurora starfuries surround the Adira.
Each rolls 2AD and so cannot damage the Adira unless they score a crit.
One gets lucky, 2 hits, but one crit. The normal hit will be completely ignored. The crit will go straight through.
easiest to describe a ship firing at it :

Ok - the Republics glorious new Flagship is ambushed by sneaky cowardly Narn - specifically a G'Quan - which fires at long range with its primative beam weapon and score a paltry 3 hits (no criticals or bulkheads) - its double damage - so 6 damage, 6 crew - the GEG is rated 3 so absorbs 3 pts of damage/3 crew from that whole beam strike and a paltry 3 points of crew and damage is inflicted.............

next turn they fire again

The Beam - 6 hits (Ouch) including 1 critical (all damage from the critical goes through including the initial hit (1dam, 1 crew) ) -rolls 1, 5 its an engine hit, so 2 damage and 1 crew - all this is doubled so the Adira takes 6 damage and 3 crew - NONE of which is prevented by teh GEG)

the rest of the beam inflicts (no bulkheads) 10 damage and 10 crew - minus 3 from the GEG - so 7 more dmage and 7 more crew

does that help? - remember to take the GEG value from EACH weapon system fired / fighter flight.

The Adira has probaly killed the impertenant Narn by start of Turn 3.................... :)

EDIT: Greg is obviously faster on the keyboard and better at explaining but hey :)
so with the beam hits, there are secondary rolls for the ones that you subtract 3 again on all subsequent beam "carry through" rolls?
re the GEG vs a beam - it takes 3pts of the entire beam shot, not per hit.

All beams hit on 4+ regardless of armour - all of those shots that hit keep rolling unitl you dont get a hit:

ie 3AD Beam fires 3 shots at first and gets 3,4,5 - therefore he hits twice, those two are then rollled again and gets 3,4 so thats another hit (and 3 in total) and the hit is rolled again and gets a 6, (another hit, 4 in total) so is rolled again and gets a 3 - miss

so that is 5 hits in total.
then you roll for each hit on the table to see if they are bulkheads, normal hits or criticals - adding 1 to the roll if the weapon is precise (A GEG 3 would block 3 pts damage and 3 pts of crew, but criticals all ignore the GEG)

hope that helps.........
Maybe for the GEG an exemple with multiple fire would be more usefull :

Say an Adira is ambushed by a fleet of 8 fighters and 1 ships.
-The 8 fighter fire their 1AD weapon 6 of them are hit 5 normal and 1 critical. The 5 fighter who only do normal damage are ineffective since the GEG cancel them but the critical is not affected and do full damage ( Say 1/1 base + 1/2 for a total of 2 dam and 3 crew )
The ship fire his primary and score 2 hits all solid for 4 damage the GEG soak 3 and 1 remain.
The secondary score 3 hit, 2 solid and 1 crit ( +0/0 -1 speed ) the 3/3 damage are only reduce to 1/1 since critical are not affected by GEG

At the end of these firing the Adira have lose 4 dam and 5 crew.