Pavlov Grenadier
Hi all! I had my first game of ACTA: SF yesterday and thought I would post a few pictures and a short battle report. I didn’t get as many pictures as I would normally (too focused on learning the rules…doh!) but will do better next time. It was a 1300 point game and we played the A Call To Arms scenario.
Kzinti Fleet (me):
DN 305
NCA 170
NCA 170
NCA 170
CM 160
CM 160
CM 160
Note: I hadn’t realized that the command upgrade on the DN was mandatory so was playing the pre-errata version of the DN (it had smaller bridge so no command team was present :lol: ). Also, playing the part of the Kzinti were my NSL ships from Full Thrust (please pardon the heresy of using non-SF models
I took the DN at the last minute on a lark (just because its fun to say “now my DREADNOUGHT is firing”). In the end I wish I had taken 2 smaller ships for the points. Still, it’s a beast and never was in any danger :twisted:
Klingon Fleet (Joe):
D7 BC (Command)
5x D5
2 x F5
1x E4
Joe was using Mckinstry’s (from the forums) Klingon models (great looking ships!!). I think he used the C8 Model to represent the D7.
As this was my first game of this version of ACTA, we decided to play the standard A Call to Arms scenario so I could get a better handle of the mechanics. Joe had played Klingons several times but I had been lurking in the forums and theorycrafting with the KzinitI for a week or so. My plan was to keep as much open space between us for as long as possible. If I could deplete his ADD before he got in close, I could start making him make the tough decisions with his Phasers (defense or Offense) in the later turns.
McKinstry rolled our terrain and we ended up with 7 pieces mostly placed in the middle area of the board. I lost the setup initiative roll and had to set up my fleet first. I choose one of the corners in hopes to put some open space between me and all the terrain I knew Joe would want to use to cover his approach. Joe set up directly across from 2 dust clouds.
Turn 1:
Both fleets did the special orders: All Power To Engines to get into better position. I headed for the open area to my right and Joe blasted ahead between two dust clouds. Joe had left one FF barely exposed to several of my NCAs but the shots were ineffectual. Since the rest of his fleet was behind the dust clouds, he couldn’t shoot back at me.
Turn 2:
Joe came out from behind the dust clouds with all guns blazing. He did a lot of “Boost Energy to Shields” SA so was only moving 6” in most cases but that was enough to get him out of the dust cloud for un-obscured targeting. Not wanting to get any closer to the super agile Klingon ships, I did the same thing (BEtS SA) and rotated on the spot to bring my guns in line with the cruiser I had marked for death. Joe focused his fire on one of my NCAs while I returned the favor to one of his D5s.
When the smoke had cleared (is there smoke in space?? <grin>), both ships were destroyed. I ended up killing the D5 with a few ships to fire and did a few hits on another D5 but nothing much besides that. A side note, the Kzinti NCA is a tough nut to crack. I had rolled poorly on my SA and only got 2 extra shields. Even with that, he focused his entire fleet on that ship it only died in the end phase due to 2 escalate results on the crit table…so far, its one of my fav Kzinti ships.
Side view of the destroyed ships:
Turn 3:
With the loss of his favorite D5 ship, the klingon commander used his agility and speed to get back behind the dust clouds. We both agreed after the battle that this was a mistake. It allowed me a full turn to back up and put even more range between us. Joe indicated that he should have sped forward and started using the Agile trait to mess up my firing arcs and make me spread my shots. As I told him, I will take all the mistakes I can get (since I am usually the one making them!).
Also, in Joe’s defense, we had a little kid running around the clubhouse and kept distracting Joe (all part of my evil plan…little does Joe know, but I had paid him to keep asking him questions and picking up dice/ships…mwahahahahahahahha).
So Turn 3 was a bust with me moving back 4” with my entire fleet and Joe “regrouping” behind the dust cloud. One funny item was he had left an FF in the dust cloud so I could actually see it. My entire fleet fired at (mostly Drones with a few Disruptors) the little ship and still couldn’t kill it (came close…I think it had 2 hits left). Oh well, such is war.
The "regrouping" Klingon fleet:
Turn 4:
I didn’t get any pictures of this turn Joe moved back out from behind the dust cloud while I repositioned my ships (some staying stationary, some moving forwards or backwards just a little) while boosting shields to my entire fleet. I decided to try and finish off the almost dead frigate as well as kill the other frigate (hoping to get some more VP before we ended). The damaged FF stayed in the dust cloud so absorbed way more shots than I had anticipated but in the end I was able to kill it (with a spectacular explosion that stripped most of the extra shields from his fleet. I also killed the other small FF but that’s about it. In return, Joe killed one of my CMs
Turn 5:
It was getting late so this was our last turn. Joe sped forward to get some nice close range and even Killzone shots on my fleet. He focused on one of my NCAs while I focused on a D5 that had lost a few shields due to the earlier explosion. Due to some great rolling on his ADD, the D5 survived (just took too long to strip those damnable Klingon shields <grin>). It was 2 hits away from being crippled with several annoying crits (so I know it will be out of the war for months while it sits in space dock). My NCA got of easier with its shields stripped but wasn’t even at half damage.
Wrap Up:
At that point we called it with a very minor win for the Kzinti (365 VP to Joe’s 330 VP).
It was a fun game and good learning experience for both of us. I look forward to playing some of the other scenarios soon as well. Those Klingon ships are nasty with agile and the shield really have to hammer them to make a dent. I loved my NCAs and the CMs will probably do really well in games of manauver. The DN was fun to take but probably want see much use in the smaller games...I would have been better served with 2 ships instead to offset all the small ships Joe had.
Im not sure if this was a good test of Kzinti long range shooting since set up zones were so close and we had fairly heavy terrain (7 pieces all in front of setup zones). I hope to get a few games in this week and upcoming weekend using some of the scenarios where players are 36” + inches apart. I will keep you all posted of how it goes.
Kzinti Fleet (me):
DN 305
NCA 170
NCA 170
NCA 170
CM 160
CM 160
CM 160
Note: I hadn’t realized that the command upgrade on the DN was mandatory so was playing the pre-errata version of the DN (it had smaller bridge so no command team was present :lol: ). Also, playing the part of the Kzinti were my NSL ships from Full Thrust (please pardon the heresy of using non-SF models
I took the DN at the last minute on a lark (just because its fun to say “now my DREADNOUGHT is firing”). In the end I wish I had taken 2 smaller ships for the points. Still, it’s a beast and never was in any danger :twisted:
Klingon Fleet (Joe):
D7 BC (Command)
5x D5
2 x F5
1x E4
Joe was using Mckinstry’s (from the forums) Klingon models (great looking ships!!). I think he used the C8 Model to represent the D7.
As this was my first game of this version of ACTA, we decided to play the standard A Call to Arms scenario so I could get a better handle of the mechanics. Joe had played Klingons several times but I had been lurking in the forums and theorycrafting with the KzinitI for a week or so. My plan was to keep as much open space between us for as long as possible. If I could deplete his ADD before he got in close, I could start making him make the tough decisions with his Phasers (defense or Offense) in the later turns.
McKinstry rolled our terrain and we ended up with 7 pieces mostly placed in the middle area of the board. I lost the setup initiative roll and had to set up my fleet first. I choose one of the corners in hopes to put some open space between me and all the terrain I knew Joe would want to use to cover his approach. Joe set up directly across from 2 dust clouds.
Turn 1:
Both fleets did the special orders: All Power To Engines to get into better position. I headed for the open area to my right and Joe blasted ahead between two dust clouds. Joe had left one FF barely exposed to several of my NCAs but the shots were ineffectual. Since the rest of his fleet was behind the dust clouds, he couldn’t shoot back at me.
Turn 2:
Joe came out from behind the dust clouds with all guns blazing. He did a lot of “Boost Energy to Shields” SA so was only moving 6” in most cases but that was enough to get him out of the dust cloud for un-obscured targeting. Not wanting to get any closer to the super agile Klingon ships, I did the same thing (BEtS SA) and rotated on the spot to bring my guns in line with the cruiser I had marked for death. Joe focused his fire on one of my NCAs while I returned the favor to one of his D5s.
When the smoke had cleared (is there smoke in space?? <grin>), both ships were destroyed. I ended up killing the D5 with a few ships to fire and did a few hits on another D5 but nothing much besides that. A side note, the Kzinti NCA is a tough nut to crack. I had rolled poorly on my SA and only got 2 extra shields. Even with that, he focused his entire fleet on that ship it only died in the end phase due to 2 escalate results on the crit table…so far, its one of my fav Kzinti ships.
Side view of the destroyed ships:
Turn 3:
With the loss of his favorite D5 ship, the klingon commander used his agility and speed to get back behind the dust clouds. We both agreed after the battle that this was a mistake. It allowed me a full turn to back up and put even more range between us. Joe indicated that he should have sped forward and started using the Agile trait to mess up my firing arcs and make me spread my shots. As I told him, I will take all the mistakes I can get (since I am usually the one making them!).
Also, in Joe’s defense, we had a little kid running around the clubhouse and kept distracting Joe (all part of my evil plan…little does Joe know, but I had paid him to keep asking him questions and picking up dice/ships…mwahahahahahahahha).
So Turn 3 was a bust with me moving back 4” with my entire fleet and Joe “regrouping” behind the dust cloud. One funny item was he had left an FF in the dust cloud so I could actually see it. My entire fleet fired at (mostly Drones with a few Disruptors) the little ship and still couldn’t kill it (came close…I think it had 2 hits left). Oh well, such is war.
The "regrouping" Klingon fleet:
Turn 4:
I didn’t get any pictures of this turn Joe moved back out from behind the dust cloud while I repositioned my ships (some staying stationary, some moving forwards or backwards just a little) while boosting shields to my entire fleet. I decided to try and finish off the almost dead frigate as well as kill the other frigate (hoping to get some more VP before we ended). The damaged FF stayed in the dust cloud so absorbed way more shots than I had anticipated but in the end I was able to kill it (with a spectacular explosion that stripped most of the extra shields from his fleet. I also killed the other small FF but that’s about it. In return, Joe killed one of my CMs
Turn 5:
It was getting late so this was our last turn. Joe sped forward to get some nice close range and even Killzone shots on my fleet. He focused on one of my NCAs while I focused on a D5 that had lost a few shields due to the earlier explosion. Due to some great rolling on his ADD, the D5 survived (just took too long to strip those damnable Klingon shields <grin>). It was 2 hits away from being crippled with several annoying crits (so I know it will be out of the war for months while it sits in space dock). My NCA got of easier with its shields stripped but wasn’t even at half damage.
Wrap Up:
At that point we called it with a very minor win for the Kzinti (365 VP to Joe’s 330 VP).
It was a fun game and good learning experience for both of us. I look forward to playing some of the other scenarios soon as well. Those Klingon ships are nasty with agile and the shield really have to hammer them to make a dent. I loved my NCAs and the CMs will probably do really well in games of manauver. The DN was fun to take but probably want see much use in the smaller games...I would have been better served with 2 ships instead to offset all the small ships Joe had.
Im not sure if this was a good test of Kzinti long range shooting since set up zones were so close and we had fairly heavy terrain (7 pieces all in front of setup zones). I hope to get a few games in this week and upcoming weekend using some of the scenarios where players are 36” + inches apart. I will keep you all posted of how it goes.