ActA at Gaelcon 2006 part the second, now with Pole!

ActA at Gaelcon, would you prefer...

  • I am definately going to Gaelcon, and would rather a big demo game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am definately going to Gaelcon, and would prefer a tournament

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm probably going to Gaelcon, and would rather a big demo game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm probably going to gaelcon, and would rather a tournament

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd go to Gaelcon if there was a demo game

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • i'd go to Gaelcon if there was a tournament

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm unwilling or unable to go to Gaelcon, but I'll just die if I can't vote!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Lorcan Nagle

OK, Hairyheretic and I have been discussing the notion of swapping the planned ActA demo game out for a small tournament. I figure we should get some feedback from anyone here who's going or considering going.

So here's the deal: Gaelcon is one of my favourite games cons, I've been to every one for the last 15 years, and I've run games at 5 of the last 8 cons. It's the 28th-30th of October, in Clontarf Castle in Dublin. We get people coming from all over the world and it's a damned fun weekend - in fact, I personally guarantee you'll find something entertaining to do at the con*. The con site is, take a look at what else is on offer.

This year, as I said in the other Gaelcon thread, I'm going to spend a day doing ActA stuff. Specifically, I had planned the Battle of the Line, cos it'll be big and iconic and tons of fun to watch the puny hoo-mans explode. but Darryl AKA Hairyheretic, my partner in crime has suggested that a tournament may be better if there's demand for it. Right now the demo is set to run all day Saturday.

So, because there's a fair few Irish players here, and a few brits who've expressed an interest in coming over, I put it to you guys - what would you rather see?

*Not a guarantee
I prefer tourney, using the standard scoring system in the tournament pack or (preferably) Reaverman's league scoring system ( ).
Not a knockout, because that means 50% of the players only get 1 game, sure they can play friendlies but a league is better IMO.
Burger said:
I prefer tourney, using the standard scoring system in the tournament pack or (preferably) Reaverman's league scoring system ( ).
Not a knockout, because that means 50% of the players only get 1 game.

The league thing is going to be aimed at monthly events, and the battles are carried over. I am going to look at some similar for one off tourneys
After running the QCONXIII tournament and lamenting the fact that i was running it and not actually playing i'd be up for playing in the tournament if you ran it. Standard rules or otherwise.

Unfortunately i am job-hunting at the moment and so can't commit 100% to coming as i don't know where i'll be or what kind of hours i'll be working at that point. But put me down as 90% sure of being there as unless there is a major complication i'll be there :D

Now where did i put those 10 Sagittarii ?
Well I'm definately going to Gaelcon and hope an ACTA tourney will be running...course if one does run then you will have to enjoy the honour of playing for SECOND place ;)
The main reason I was thinking Demo game was to to do it as a pick up thing for noobs - there was zero ActA coverage at the con last year.
We picked up a fair few n00bs at Q-Con didn't we? Just by them coming and looking at our fleets, recognizing some of the ships from the series, and chatting to us while playing. A 5-point Raid fleet is kind of more accessible for a n00b than a huge scale battle, which implies lots of expenditure. Even people playing with counters is good, it shows that you really don't need to be an expert painter or willing to spend tons.
Lorcan Nagle said:
The main reason I was thinking Demo game was to to do it as a pick up thing for noobs - there was zero ActA coverage at the con last year.

How about running both?

demo to attract new blood, after all if you take part in the tourney and win it..... :wink:
Lorcan and I could probably provide a handfull of fleets for people to try the game in the tournament itself. It sounds like there'd be enough experienced people on hand to keep them straight.
Perhaps. That would depend on how nasty the experienced players were to them though, wouldn't it? :D

A friend of ours has done similar with Warzone at a few previous cons .. providing fleets to let people play the game and see what they think of it.

It wouldn't be too hard to match up beginners against beginners as much as possible (though that would probably take care of itself in terms of a swiss points system).
O crap. I picked the last option on the poll and realised I am in fact going. I would play ACTA if I can order and paint a fleet in time. I just hope it does not clash with the Warmachine and hordes tournaments...
Well I have booked accomodation for Gaelcon, but has anyone else had problems with Ryan Air Flights?

They are great getting over, but coming back - There are no flights bookable for the Monday, Tuesday or the rest of the week for that matter!

I might have to get a flight back from Cork! :shock:

Aw well, just have to stay that extra night and try the Murphy's. :)
Try Aer Lingus maybe? They're a little bit more expensive, but often have a better range of flights and aren't as evil.
Unfortunately Aerlingus don't fly from Gatwick. :(

And as I only live 10 minutes from Gatwick, it's better if I can get a flight from there - More beer money left over! :D