Lorcan Nagle
OK, Hairyheretic and I have been discussing the notion of swapping the planned ActA demo game out for a small tournament. I figure we should get some feedback from anyone here who's going or considering going.
So here's the deal: Gaelcon is one of my favourite games cons, I've been to every one for the last 15 years, and I've run games at 5 of the last 8 cons. It's the 28th-30th of October, in Clontarf Castle in Dublin. We get people coming from all over the world and it's a damned fun weekend - in fact, I personally guarantee you'll find something entertaining to do at the con*. The con site is http://www.gaelcon.com/gaelcon2006, take a look at what else is on offer.
This year, as I said in the other Gaelcon thread, I'm going to spend a day doing ActA stuff. Specifically, I had planned the Battle of the Line, cos it'll be big and iconic and tons of fun to watch the puny hoo-mans explode. but Darryl AKA Hairyheretic, my partner in crime has suggested that a tournament may be better if there's demand for it. Right now the demo is set to run all day Saturday.
So, because there's a fair few Irish players here, and a few brits who've expressed an interest in coming over, I put it to you guys - what would you rather see?
*Not a guarantee
So here's the deal: Gaelcon is one of my favourite games cons, I've been to every one for the last 15 years, and I've run games at 5 of the last 8 cons. It's the 28th-30th of October, in Clontarf Castle in Dublin. We get people coming from all over the world and it's a damned fun weekend - in fact, I personally guarantee you'll find something entertaining to do at the con*. The con site is http://www.gaelcon.com/gaelcon2006, take a look at what else is on offer.
This year, as I said in the other Gaelcon thread, I'm going to spend a day doing ActA stuff. Specifically, I had planned the Battle of the Line, cos it'll be big and iconic and tons of fun to watch the puny hoo-mans explode. but Darryl AKA Hairyheretic, my partner in crime has suggested that a tournament may be better if there's demand for it. Right now the demo is set to run all day Saturday.
So, because there's a fair few Irish players here, and a few brits who've expressed an interest in coming over, I put it to you guys - what would you rather see?
*Not a guarantee