Shonuff said:
A good BAB is fine, but with no Sense Motive skill you will be outmatched by a character with a good Bluff skill on a regular basis.
Soldier 3rd level = BAB+3 and no Sense Motive
Thief 1st level = Bluff 4 (not counting ability mods)
Which means that that thief, trying to bluff that soldier, goes opposed rollls which look something like this:
Soldier d20 + 3 + Wis
Thief d20 + 4 + Cha
now, admitedly the Thief will probably have a better Cha than the soldier does Wis, but that is not that overwhelming a contest. Prety close actually.
Lets do another thought experiment. Lets consider a feinter (Thief) and someone with a full BAB (Soldier) who are at the same level (whatever level, 1, 8, 16, 20 it doesn't matter). Assuming the Thief has maximum advanced his bluff skill (that is no small expenditure of resources, and after a certain point it becomes a little absurd, except that if he ever stops maximum advancing bluff then he will never win a feint against a equal leveled Soldier) then that means that the Soldiers BAB cancels out most of the Thiefs skill ranks and the contest really looks like this
Soldier d20 + Wis
Thief d20 + 3 + Cha
and that holds at any level. 3 points is not a lot of advantage on an opposed skill check when your life depends on it. Now the theif could take Skill focus for another +3 and Persuasive for another +2 which makes the contest
d20 + Wis
d20 + 8 + Cha
Which is a little better, but still not unbeatable, but now the Thief has spent two feats on being a blufmaster but he hasn't gotten Improved Feint yet and he isn't exactly overflowing with bonus feats.
Plus there is another wrinkle. Anybody who is concerned with defense is gonna want combat expertise, which means they need a 13 Int, which means they will be getting bonus skill points. If our soldier drops just 3 points in Sense Motive (and I can think of many worse things to do with bonus skill points than Sense Motive, that is always useful) then he is on even footing against our Thief who just maximum advances and against our blufmaster who spent two feats it looks like
d20 + Wis
d20 + 5 + Cha
Those are
very acceptable odds, considering how much the blufmaster has put into his attempt to feint while our Soldier has put in a minimal investment of 3 skill points (yes, Int is a uber stat in Conan).
Plus there is one more thing to consider. Lets say our blufmaster wants to be an actual feintmaster, so he takes Improved Feint (now he has spent
four feats on being able to feint in combat, a real one trick pony) He can still only attack once per round. Yes, he gets sneak attack damage (which means a good chance of triggering a massive damage save) but at higher levels he will quickly be outpaced by, oh lets say that Thief's twin who spent his feats on two-weapon fighting and wepon focus and his skill points on Tumble to move into flanking position. What if our feintmaster rolls a 1 on his attack roll?
Yes, feinting + sneak attack is powerful. Mostly for its potential to trigger a massive damage save and end the fight in one round. But I really doubt that it is enough to make the pliticians "better fighters than the fighters". In fact, I am considering a house rule that Improved Feint gives a +4 bonus to feint rolls in addition to its other benefits. I'll have to playtest that one and see how it works out.
ps: every soldier in Conan
needs to make a 12 Int a priority!