A New Edition of Traveller


Staff member
Tomorrow afternoon (September 4th, UK time) will see the first appearance of a new Traveller, the product of many years tweaking, adjusting and listening to the thousands of players who have travelled the universe of the Far Future.

So what can you expect?


You will be able to dive into the new Traveller with the Beta Rulebook PDF. It will be a mere $20 on DrivethruRPG and we’ll return that $20 to you in the form of a voucher when the final Core Rulebook is released in early 2016. You will also be getting a veritable host of goodies and a chance to influence other Traveller books including High Guard, the vehicle Handbook and the Central Supply Catalogue throughout the playtest period.

So, what can you expect to see in the new Traveller? These are just a few of the tweaks we have made;

* The last edition rested heavily on the minimalist approach of Classic Traveller – the new edition has all the bells and whistles you expect from a modern RPG. From isometric deck plans to flow charts that walk you through character creation and ship design, from subsector maps to equipment pages that look as though they come straight from a space-based mail order catalogue, we have spent months striving to make the new Traveller not only look the best it can, but also to use these graphics to help it play better on the table top.

* A fully integrated combat system that seamlessly moves between Travellers, vehicles and ships. You can now fly your Corsair through a system, destroy the orbiting defence stations, then descend into the atmosphere to dogfight the aerospace fighters. A critical hit system for ships and vehicles allows you knock out vital systems in your opponent’s craft, while an expanded action system will give everyone on board something to do in battle.

* Power systems for ships - starship captains will now be worrying about the amount of Power available to them. In most situations, it will not be a factor (and this will not intrude on gameplay) but if you overload a trader with high-powered weaponry or take damage to your power plant, you’ll be screaming down the comms to your engineer to give you more power!

* We have made changes to the way animals are handled, making their creation a thing of simplicity for referees; come up with a concept for your creature, assign Hits and Attacks, then add Traits and you are done. The Traits for animals handle special abilities such as heightened senses or psionic capability and we will be adding to them in future supplements – especially useful as they are also used for alien species, forming another common bond within the mechanics of the game.


Strap yourselves in and start the countdown - the new Traveller makes its first appearance tomorrow!
Looks promising. I'll buy the Beta tomorrow and dive into the playtest.

Will the end result have an updated SRD and/or a Traveller Logo License? I'm currently in the very early stages of developing a new third-party Traveller setting, and would LOVE to publish it (hopefully in late 2016) for the new MGT.
The graphic design looks very slick. And the description of the contents has me excited. I'm looking forward to this!

One question - how much scope is there for changes between this beta version and the final product?
Golan2072 said:
Will the end result have an updated SRD and/or a Traveller Logo License? I'm currently in the very early stages of developing a new third-party Traveller setting, and would LOVE to publish it (hopefully in late 2016) for the new MGT.

There will be a big, long post on Planet Mongoose tomorrow about the whole design process and approach of the new Traveller that will cover this, but the short of it is that we have had several of the 3rd party publishers on board for the internal playtesting already, with the intention of putting together a comprehensive Logo Licence for the new Traveller.

Prime_Evil said:
One question - how much scope is there for changes between this beta version and the final product?

Are you asking if we would tear down the whole thing and start again? :) Realistically, no - we have had a very long period of internal playtesting across several groups, and we know the mechanics basically work and that people like them. What we are concerned about are all the little details that can easily creep past even this many eyes.

That said, if you find a major hole, let us know and we'll patch it up no matter how long it takes!
Well I can see what the big project you mentioned was....hope the headaches have subsided.

cant wait to tear into this one, I am looking forward to seeing how things have been tweaked.
I am excited by this opportunity. I look forward to getting the beta book.

I am curious about one thing, do you want feedback on rules only or if we find typos should we point them out as well?

For example: "...to flow charts that walk you throw character creation and ship design, ..." from your first post.

Will you want us looking for these kinds of typos as well or leave them for final editing on your side?
Count me in!!! I started playing in 1980-81 and this is the first time I've had a chance to look at beta versions! :)
I'm hoping some of the ship component design issues have been tweaked... Sorry, I'm an Architect so designing ship plans has always been my thing since the 7th grade... ;)
I'm hoping you can target specific items during combat ("I'm aiming at his head")... ("I'm aiming at the gun in his hand") etc...
I'm looking forward to pour though this over the weekend.

Will the new core book necessitate the tweaking and republishing of other MgT books? Will there be an entire re-release of new addition Traveller?

Can't wait to log onto DriveThu tomorrow!!! :)

-Daniel- said:
Will you want us looking for these kinds of typos as well or leave them for final editing on your side?

We want to hear everything - and the post has been changed because of your suggestion :)
Ooh, I like what I'm seeing, so far :)

msprange said:
You will be able to dive into the new Traveller with the Beta Rulebook PDF. It will be a mere $20 on DrivethruRPG and we’ll return that $20 to you in the form of a voucher when the final Core Rulebook is released in early 2016.

Is that $20 off the completed PDF ordered through DTRPG, or off the hard copy book through your own store?
nerfherder said:
Is that $20 off the completed PDF ordered through DTRPG, or off the hard copy book through your own store?

The PDF - I am afraid we cannot do it for the hardback.
msprange said:
-Daniel- said:
Will you want us looking for these kinds of typos as well or leave them for final editing on your side?

We want to hear everything - and the post has been changed because of your suggestion :)
Oh good, I am already helping. :mrgreen:
msprange said:
fireyphoenix22 said:
i can;t wait, who did the cover art?

A combination of the talents of Amy Perrett and Sandrine Thirache - Will Chapman did the layout.
well I am now more excited. even if it means more work for me :D.
It sounds - and looks - great!

I'm curious about backwards-compability though, will all the books, supplements and alien modules work with the new system? And all those third party ship books and alternate settings?
Annatar Giftbringer said:
I'm curious about backwards-compability though, will all the books, supplements and alien modules work with the new system? And all those third party ship books and alternate settings?

Might be some tweaking needed, but it doesn't completely break things it's still Traveller.

As for ships, those built for the new edition aren't going to be identical to those built with the old system, but that doesn't mean they can't be used together.
msprange said:
There will be a big, long post on Planet Mongoose tomorrow about the whole design process and approach of the new Traveller that will cover this, but the short of it is that we have had several of the 3rd party publishers on board for the internal playtesting already, with the intention of putting together a comprehensive Logo Licence for the new Traveller.
Excellent! I'll be willing to contribute my experience from Outer Veil to the beta playtest - once available (tomorrow?) I'll immediately shell out the money for it as I wish to contribute as much as I can to the playtest.