I used search to see if I could find anything on the topics I'll be addressing with no luck. So if it has been posted already please forgive me.
Thank you for your time!
- I know bandwidth is always an issue as well as keeping copyrighted material safe but can we get bigger pictures of the covers? I know this is a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things but it would be nice.
- Will there be an OGL Space book? You guys make some great material and to have a book dedicated towards space would be fabulous.
- Will there be or could there be an OGL Western book?
- Is the OGL horror book PG rated or leaning more towards R rated? I understand Wizards doesn't like anyone (Except themselves ) to publish more adult oriented material, so I'm wondering just how far you guys took it? Of course I could add all kinds of gory stuff later myself but I'm trying to get an idea ahead of time before I decide to purchase the book how much work I'll need to do.
- All of the OGL books fit together rules wise correct? I won't buy one book that has say a specific rule for auto weapons or something of that nature and open up another book and the same item or situation has a completely different rule? They basically all melt together regarding rules?
Thank you for your time!