I shortly had a discussion with a friend about how extrem you could go using psychic warfare and we endet up with this:
2000p Arachnids, PL3, probe tactics
On the field:
Infiltrator (75)
Infiltrator (75)
Overseer (250)
-Ego War, Shield
Overseer (250)
-Ego War, Shield
Moving in 1st turn (if not Bugs have first turn):
Brain (300)
Enhanced Shield, Ego War, Id Sending
Brain (300)
Enhanced Shield, Ego War, Id Sending
Queen (750)
Enhanced Shield, Enhanced Rupture, Ego War, Id Sending, Assassinate, Suicidal Stimulation
Tactic is to shutdown the whole MI force by using Ego War and then sniping out the officers with Id Sendig and Rupture, while the Infiltrators tear them apart (and the Overseers move forward using the brain coordinate).
The Queen and their Brain retinue will be placed in one group, so that they have a total of 18 Shield strength together - something that could even pounce of a Pee-Wee.
It doesn't look to me like there's much you could do against this with an MI Force, espacially not when unprepared.
(The only thing could be air assets, I don't know if you can use Rupture against them, but even if not they couldn't do enough damage to harm that group seriously)
Bugs will swarm you, simply leaving back their shutdown squad members, but Skinnies should also get serious problems (although not that hard as the MI).
2000p Arachnids, PL3, probe tactics
On the field:
Infiltrator (75)
Infiltrator (75)
Overseer (250)
-Ego War, Shield
Overseer (250)
-Ego War, Shield
Moving in 1st turn (if not Bugs have first turn):
Brain (300)
Enhanced Shield, Ego War, Id Sending
Brain (300)
Enhanced Shield, Ego War, Id Sending
Queen (750)
Enhanced Shield, Enhanced Rupture, Ego War, Id Sending, Assassinate, Suicidal Stimulation
Tactic is to shutdown the whole MI force by using Ego War and then sniping out the officers with Id Sendig and Rupture, while the Infiltrators tear them apart (and the Overseers move forward using the brain coordinate).
The Queen and their Brain retinue will be placed in one group, so that they have a total of 18 Shield strength together - something that could even pounce of a Pee-Wee.
It doesn't look to me like there's much you could do against this with an MI Force, espacially not when unprepared.
(The only thing could be air assets, I don't know if you can use Rupture against them, but even if not they couldn't do enough damage to harm that group seriously)
Bugs will swarm you, simply leaving back their shutdown squad members, but Skinnies should also get serious problems (although not that hard as the MI).