100 ton ship with Jump-1, Thrust-1...and a 51-ton ion cannon bay


I thought it might be funny if the characters had the option to purchase a very light ship with ridiculously heavy weaponry: something overcrowded, barely powered, and impressive-looking on the surface, but deeply impractical in actual combat. (Back story: a rich kid with more money than sense demanded it be built...and now wants to get rid of it for a song because it's such an impractical embarrassment.)

And I think I've done it! Using Mongoose 2e's High Guard rules, I took a 100-ton hull and added a bay weapon hardpoint with an ion cannon (2d6 x 10 dmg). To save money and space (and make it suck extra) I gave it jump-1 and maneuver-1, basic sensors (-4 DM), a smaller-than-average bridge (-1 to astrogation, piloting, etc.)...and of course, when you're armed with a bay weapon, you get a -2 DM whenever you target anything less than 1000 tons (and -4 when they're 99 tons or less). So in that sense, it's mission accomplished.

What's concerning me is that it was almost too easy. A 100 hull costs 20 power, and the ion cannon needs 20, and if you throw in three fusion plants for 45 power, that seems to be all you need. (Jump-1 costs 1 power, maneuver-1 costs 1 power, and the lower berth costs 1 power, and that still leaves 2 power left over.)

And yet, despite all this cramming, I've still got 8 tons of cargo space left over! That doesn't seem right, and I wonder if I'm missing something. (Are the fuel tanks really that small on this thing?) So I thought I'd ask you good people to look over my math and see how it stacks up.


Hull 100 (standard) [MCr5][req 20 power] Armor 4 (crystaliron) [MCr20 5tons] Thrust 1[MCr2 1ton][req 1 power] Jump 1 [MCr1.5 10tons] [req 1 power] Power Plant Fusion, power 45 [MCr3 3tons] Fuel tanks-minimal req. [MCr0 11tons] Bridge (smaller than normal) [MCr0.5 6tons] Computer 15 [MCr 5.1] Sensors (basic) [MCr0 0tons] Weapons - small ion cannon bay [MCr15 51tons][req 20 power] Stateroom [MCr0.5 4tons] (double occupancy) Lower berth [MCr1 1ton][req. 1 power] Software: Jump Control/1, Maneuver/0, Library, Fire Control/1, Virtual Gunner/0 [MCr3.1] Cargo: 8 tons Total Cost: MCr58.7

Alternately I could leave the ship unarmored, cutting the price by a third (!) and freeing up 5 more tons of cargo.

At any rate, I feel like this might be the equivalent of a cursed weapon, and I could see a frustrated noble selling it for 90% off.
I'm assuming having too much money allows for such pranks. Pretty much, it's a weird practical joke. Can't hit the broad side of a barn, can't see the barn and can't chase a moving barn. Means the joker is hunting large freighters.

Tell you what, have the rich kid add Emission Absorption Grid for an extra 2 tons and 4 MCr. so it can, hopefully, get to Medium Ion bay range. You might consider a Re-entry Pod for a ton in case the joke goes bad. Also add a Cargo Scoop for another 2 tons along with the last 3 tons of cargo so after you blast a ship to standstill, you ask for 'donations' to be jettisoned overboard and you'll go away.

Oh, why is there a low berth? Planning on taking a prisoner?
wordboydave said:
Hull 100 (standard) [MCr5][req 20 power]
Armor 4 (crystaliron) [MCr20 5tons]

Thrust 1[MCr2 1ton][req 1 power]
Jump 1 [MCr1.5 10tons] [req 1 power]
Power Plant Fusion, power 45 [MCr3 3tons]

Fuel tanks-minimal req. [MCr0 11tons]

Bridge (smaller than normal) [MCr0.5 6tons]
Computer 15 [MCr 5.1]
Sensors (basic) [MCr0 0tons]

Weapons - small ion cannon bay [MCr15 51tons][req 20 power]

Stateroom [MCr0.5 4tons] (double occupancy)
Lower berth [MCr1 1ton][req. 1 power]

Software: Jump Control/1, Maneuver/0, Library, Fire Control/1, Virtual Gunner/0 [MCr3.1]

Cargo: 8 tons
Total Cost: MCr58.7
I agree it's pretty useless...

Some things are off:
Armour MCr 1 ( Hull cost × 5% × 4 = MCr 5 × 0.05 × 4 = MCr 1 )
M-Drive 10 Power ( Hull × 10% × 1 = 100 × 0.1 × 1 = 10 )
Jump MCr 15, 10 Power (Note that the drive is capable of J-2)
Bridge cost MCr 0.25
Computer MCr 2
Bay 50 Dt (no extra Dt for fire control/hardpoint in this edition) (damage: ion 6D×10)
Low Berth is Emergency Low Berth?
Total cost MCr 47.9

I get something like this:
Thanks so much for checking the numbers! Now I feel more confident in moving toward a deckplan. Yes, I'm serious. (Thanks again!)
I was pondering on the idea to design a few suboptimal ships with a story of their genesis.

In the forum (and sometimes in game) we tend to design the 95%+ top - the best of the best; but I assume in a reality, designing and building a ship meets significant hurdles along the way, resulting in a lot of compromises and a ship, sometimes far from the original draft.

Complications can start from the design phase, go through the "pitching" phase, the "negotiations with shipyard" phase, the "suppliers phases", the "investor pressure" phase, involving politics, laws, change of budget-capacity priorities, competition, sudden economy changes, changes in involved parties (mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcy, change of management) - the stuff that can go bad is a lot.
arcador said:
In the forum (and sometimes in game) we tend to design the 95%+ top ...
Anything we can whip up in an hour is probably not in the top 5%.

The Imperial civilisation has been building similar ships for at least a millennia. How to build e.g. a small trader or spinal warship is well known and inefficient designs were weeded out many centuries ago.

If you run a campaign in the Interstellar Wars there should be more quirky Terran ships around.
You are right,

I guess I am affected by the innovation/startup mentality. The first x custom designs, yes.

Standard military designs - not at all.
1. Two hundred tonnes is the optimal size.

2. Electronics is going to be a large part of your cost.

3. Batteries can give a temporary boost to your energy requirements.

Warship construction bottlenecks:

1. Political will.

2. Manufacturing base.

3. Money.

4. Recruiting pool.

Warships are almost always compromises between numbers, performance and cost.