Zingaran Bonus Languages


I'm sur ethis has been asked before but I can't find it in the search...

What are the bonus languages for Zinagarans?
Argossean, Pictish, Aquilonian, Shemitish and Ophirean according to the Rulebook on pg. 37.

Hope that helps.
Ophirean and Shemitish? Considering the entirety of Aquilonia and Argos lies between Zingara and these two countries how exactly have they become a common foreign language for the Zingarans?
Raven Blackwell said:
Ophirean and Shemitish? Considering the entirety of Aquilonia and Argos lies between Zingara and these two countries how exactly have they become a common foreign language for the Zingarans?
Ophir and Shem would be major trading partners for Zingaria. Ophir provides overland routes that bypass much of Aquilonia and Shem porvides ports close to the southern routes for trade comming up from Stygia and the Black Kingdoms south of that.

Hope that helps.
Strom said:
Argossean, Pictish, Aquilonian, Shemitish and Ophirean according to the Rulebook on pg. 37.

in my rulebook (AE version) are no bonus languages for zingara...missing?

p.s. oh look...i got the "mongoose" rank...damn...didn't made the corruption save :(