I was curious as to what house rules everyone was using, and what you think of mine... I'm going to post mine here, and everyone can comment and/or add their own here...
#1: Fortitude Save for Telepaths: I felt that the rule that Telepaths automaticaly gain a subdual when using a power was too restrictive, considering how few hp they have. So I added a rule that when a Telepath uses a power, he/she rolls a Fortitude save vs a dc of 10+ the p-rating of the power. Success means he/she does not gain a point of subdual. The feats Great Fortitude and Endurance would greatly help a telepath suddenly, and encourages telepaths to have higher Con scores.
#2: Healing Subdual/Non-Leathal: As it stands, a character can "Heal" 1 point of Subdual/Non-Leathal damage per hour. I can't find this rule in the main book, but in the Earth Alliance book it states such aon page 55 within the "Black Fist" section. I am allowing, as a test, to let players add their Con bonus to this. Thus, someone with a con bonus of +2 can regain 3 (1+2) subdual per hour to reflect those with stronger constitutions regaining Subdual damage faster then those who are not as healthier. I may make it "1+ 1/2 con bonus". Comments on this one?
Those are the two main ones I've got going now. Add yours here, or comment on mine please..
#1: Fortitude Save for Telepaths: I felt that the rule that Telepaths automaticaly gain a subdual when using a power was too restrictive, considering how few hp they have. So I added a rule that when a Telepath uses a power, he/she rolls a Fortitude save vs a dc of 10+ the p-rating of the power. Success means he/she does not gain a point of subdual. The feats Great Fortitude and Endurance would greatly help a telepath suddenly, and encourages telepaths to have higher Con scores.
#2: Healing Subdual/Non-Leathal: As it stands, a character can "Heal" 1 point of Subdual/Non-Leathal damage per hour. I can't find this rule in the main book, but in the Earth Alliance book it states such aon page 55 within the "Black Fist" section. I am allowing, as a test, to let players add their Con bonus to this. Thus, someone with a con bonus of +2 can regain 3 (1+2) subdual per hour to reflect those with stronger constitutions regaining Subdual damage faster then those who are not as healthier. I may make it "1+ 1/2 con bonus". Comments on this one?
Those are the two main ones I've got going now. Add yours here, or comment on mine please..