yaya, there's a hobby store in town

Well technically there already was(which is where I got my paint brushes, paint, and xacto stuff, and foam core). Some of my miniature enthusiast friends talked to the store dudes, and now they're supporting miniatures :D . Though currently 40k, and GW stuff, they're pretty open towards miniatures, so tomorrow or something I'll see if I can show em sst and mongoose publishing, and it'll be all cool and stuff. I'm happy now, as I can support the local store, rather than always have to buy online :) .

I found out that my local FLGS DOES have some SST in stock, but as it didn't really sell they 'put it away'.

The good news is I have now bought it all at cost (lucky me) and I have talked them into stocking SST Evo providing I run Demo Games two Saturdays a month (ooh what a hardship for me LMAO)!
I'll definately start to get people interested in SST. One thing I like though, is that the people who own the store are really into this kind of stuff and friendly as well. Their kids play the games too, and I'll see if there is a way I could get some demos going at some point too :D
I am only doing it from a selfish perspective to be honest, the more people interested, the more gamers and collectors.

The more gamers, the more product sold.

The more product sold, the more NEW product that will be released.

The more new product - the more for me to collect ;)
Warcaster: Capt. Darius.
so far its only him, i use markers for war jacks. need to wate a month to i get payed.
lt.harper said:
Warcaster: Capt. Darius.
so far its only him, i use markers for war jacks. need to wate a month to i get payed.

I understand ENTIRELY too well how much of an issue Cash can be (especially when you are young).

I haven't got Darius yet, I use Seige Brisbane :D
Rejoyse, for I concured the Butcher of Khardov in close combat! You shoulde have been there. My oponent never plated agenced Darius and was surprised at my feat. He destryed my war jacks but I brougt both of them fuly repared with the help of my halfjaks. totely anialated the Butcher :twisted:
lt.harper said:
Rejoyse, for I concured the Butcher of Khardov in close combat! You shoulde have been there. My oponent never plated agenced Darius and was surprised at my feat. He destryed my war jacks but I brougt both of them fuly repared with the help of my halfjaks. totely anialated the Butcher :twisted:

Nice one, well done Buddy!
Never knew what it feels like beating a stranger at a game. All my life(so far) im use to beating a computer or a close friend/relitive. God, I was nerves at playing some one diferent i was shaking. But then i had fun.
Hay, I came up with a list of war jacks. Wonder if its a good idea to start with it thou.
1x Centurion
2x Hunters
2x Lancers
2x Chargers
1x Stormclad.
1x Centurion - OK, but there are better.

2x Hunters - I love these!

2x Lancers - Useful, but can be fragile

2x Chargers - Top Banana.

1x Stormclad - This one is a must have!

Good Choices!
You guys lost me lol :) . I still haven't discussed sst with the yet(I might get cabin feaver at the rate I'm going). Been playing to many video games(halo, doom, res evil4, etc.), and having fun building my Korv'ern and some tiny terrain things to do anything else...