I was very taken by the Lone Wolf recommended level advancement method in the main book - no tracking experience points by kills, levels bing gained in the middle of a combat etc. However, Magic of Magnamund contains some elements that don't mesh well with this system, to wit experience costs. If levels are gained "per story" then any experience cost is going to result in a high level Wytch being a level lower than her comrades for entire stories at a time, regardless how small the experience diference is - and once one experience penalty applies, the others become irrelevant, as they won't make up more than 1 level's worth of penalty, and expereince is gained only in level-sized chunks. The wytch isn't the only source of experience cost, but is the only class that requires it.
Was the recommended method of advancement abandoned in this book? Or is there some other solution? Giving all the players a 10% bonus in experience over that needed to reach the next level at all times will still end up with other players taking a 2-level jump at some stage and then loses the sense of the cost that the experience penalty implies. Ignoring experience costs altogether then makes Forbidden Knowledge less attractive - it's easier to make up experience than permanent ability loss.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to balance this out?
Was the recommended method of advancement abandoned in this book? Or is there some other solution? Giving all the players a 10% bonus in experience over that needed to reach the next level at all times will still end up with other players taking a 2-level jump at some stage and then loses the sense of the cost that the experience penalty implies. Ignoring experience costs altogether then makes Forbidden Knowledge less attractive - it's easier to make up experience than permanent ability loss.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to balance this out?