WorldCon in Glasgow in August

Tom B

Cosmic Mongoose
I've been slightly involved with Worldcon which is coming to Glasgow in August. I was asked if I could GM a game and I've replied yes and I'm going to referee Traveller.

So if anyone is about and wants to play, bring a character.

I hope I can get people interested in the game.

Any hints and tips appreciated.

Now I have to find / create some small scenarios to run and create lots of default characters.
Hi Tom,

I didn't realize Worldcon was going to do tabletop sessions. Is there a schedule anywhere? I'll be there, so do let me know when you're planning to run, and I'll try to round up a few folks.
Schedule, not that I know. I will be there all weekend. But I know the person to ask. You can bring your own characters (not too over-powered) or I'm creating some (using the standard rules and cheating a lot).
I ran a few games of Bounty Hunt scenarios I'd created - seemed to go down well.

I also took part in someone else's game on one day.

I hope I got a few more people interested in the game.

They were doing bag searches at SECC and I had my copy of the core rules in it. The man doing the searching was very interested in it, so I took time out to do some explaining.