Real science is messy (and not always anything more than somebody's non-provable model after you read twenty pages of an article...). I've been starting with the complicated, then parring down to the playable. Temperature stuff is a real bugger, if you want to do it right, but you don't need to do more than one temperature for a world if you don't want to. I'm also trying to emulate some of more specific stuff done in the old WBH so you could, in theory, if it mattered to the game, and if a fudge won't do, figure out the temperature range based on not only overall greenhouse effect and albedo, but for a particular latitude and altitude with a particular day length based on axial tilt and eccentricity, with other stars, time of year and day, and internal heat: one of those odd tools for the toolbox that you don't need to fix the sink but you might need once every twelve years - but not something you would do unless it you really needed to.
I've set the cut-off for planet Size at F - convenient from a hexadecimal standpoint and pretty much a cut-off before you get to mini-Neptunes. Gas giants get their own system with a a UWP kludge of size G, then S, M, L, for basic tee-shirt size mass range and then a hexidecimal value for diameters in Terras (so a gas giant size 4 is actual 4 x 8 size). Detailed mass range pushes from 10 Earths (Terras) all the way up to 4000 and after that it's a brown dwarf... Oh, and by extending the atmosphere types to G and H, you get G = gassy, mostly helium and H = Mostly hydrogen, so you could get a smaller 'gas dwarf' with a normal Size as a small as C. All this is provisional first draft stuff.
As I've said, Orbits has to stay in some form. What I've done so far is emphasize the fractional: tenths for numbers above 1, hundredths for those below, and orbit 0.00 set to 0.00 AU. Then I set a 'spread' value for the system, so each world orbit is a multiple of the spread (+/- the random fudge) - and the spread will mostly be less than one. So if the mainworld was at orbit 2.1 and the spread was 0.6, then the world orbit inside would be at 2.5 and the one outside would be at 2.7, etc. Spread can vary and so can the location - world#-wise - of the planet closest to the habitable zone. This allows for very compact systems and rather sparse ones. All with keeping within the T5 limit of mainworld + gas giants + belts + 2D worlds (I really, really wish that was 2D-2 instead, but not pushing it yet). Of course Orbits has to be converted to AU to do temperature and year-length calculation, among others, so handy table and formulas included for that...
One thing about reality though: it's complicated. A real orbit has six parameter, but Traveller orbits are only going to have two: semi-major axis (Orbit and AU for stars and planets, planetary diameters and kilometers for moons), and eccentricity. I'll make a note about the others, but leave it up to the OCD referee to work out dealing with those other four parameters on their own. Also, the model of a multi-star system is based on a primary star-centric view, sort of like T5 - my attempt to use barycenters went down the n-body wormhole and I realized I could get good enough answers without that complication.
92 pages into this first draft and still on physical characteristics, haven't started on social yet and I'm supposed to come in at 160 pages...