maco5555 said:war without end the new game coming out which focus on ground combat in the b5 uni
sorry i posted it in the wrong forum lol
LoneStranger said:Minis from Mongoose start out unpainted, then LBH gets them and they remain unpainted. :wink:
LoneStranger said:Minis from Mongoose start out unpainted, then LBH gets them and they remain unpainted. :wink:
Greg Smith said:If you do it in time for the open day, it will really spite us.
Greg Smith said:Because you bought them. Those shiny silver lumps of metal look so much better when assembled and painted.![]()
lastbesthope said:Possibly, one day I'll paint them. but if I hadn't bough them I could never paint them now could I. I'm simply keepiong my options open, and stopping you all from getting enough T'bolts :twisted:
lastbesthope said:unless you're advocating my theft of them?
Shadow Queen said:We'd all turn into Vorlons 5th age by the time LBH paints and puts his minis together