Why is a hard copy of The Little RED Book so much?


From Amazon:

2 new from $99.99 :?

4 used from $237.39 :shock:

But from Drivethru.com: $5.98 :roll:

Can I ask why? I wasn't expecting the used hard copy to be cheap, I'd even be willing to buy it new. But It isn't even on your website and $100 for a 26 page quick start, WTF?
Tack said:
From Amazon:

2 new from $99.99 :?

4 used from $237.39 :shock:

But from Drivethru.com: $5.98 :roll:

Can I ask why? I wasn't expecting the used hard copy to be cheap, I'd even be willing to buy it new. But It isn't even on your website and $100 for a 26 page quick start?
It's called "predatory pricing"... I.E. where sellers realize a book is very out of print, had at least moderate popularity, and so they jack the price of the book up. As soon as one seller does it the rest seem to quickly follow suit like a bunch of lemmings.

It didn't take long, once the GURPS Traveller book "First In" (scout services) went out of print,
for the price on a new copy to get jacked up quickly breaking $150.00 for a book that sold at $22.00
That much, for real ?

I wonder the cost if you buy the ebook and find a print worker to print your book with a nice leather cover.
Well I've been looking for a Copy of Troubleshooters for a couple years now. Everyone has the price jacked (jerked) up.

I'm hoping the PDFs will go one sale sometime soon here. I missed The Bundle of Holding last year.

I do have a copy of XP, which I use to run my game(s) with.
I'm in the same boat (have XP, want Troubleshooters). I know that they want to promote their upcoming Paranoia card game, and I've pre-ordered, but I think I'll always be more of a dice chucker than a card flopper at heart and so I'd love to throw Mongoose some money for a pdf or two.

(I'll certainly give the new game a shot. I have a friend who insists that playing an adventure path from Paizo is much more fun with the card game than with the Pathfinder RPG rules, so Mongoose's strategy isn't untested. I'm just greedy and want both. :D)
If you are going to get one book for the Paranoia line, the get hold of the XP book. The others, including Troubleshooters, are basically the same but edited down.

Hopefully, Mongoose will start releasing their pdf line again in full after the new Paranoia box set game is released.
Converting from XP to Troubleshooters:

Throw out everything about Treason Codes.
Assign Treason Points (secretly) when players do things you don't find interesting. Or perhaps when they do treasonous things. Whatever.
20 Treason Points = Traitor.

As far as pricing of used books goes, remember that many sellers on Amazon and eBay use software to price things and that software picks unrealistic prices when there's few to no other examples of prices. If you want to see what people are actually willing to spend, look through Completed Listings.

Sadly, the one book I'm missing is Blue Line, the special edition of Internal Security, and I doubt I'll ever see one. At least the Troubleshooters book can be found out there. :(
Newmarduk said:
Maybe the Little RED Book is no longer being published.

Agreed, but I wish they'd still sell the pdf. It's been a long time since they published any edition of Paranoia. I know they keep saying that another edition is "soon", but they've been saying that for a long time.
In al honesty, the Little Red Book was not worth the paper it was printed on. It did not contain everything a troubleshooter needed to play. If you're a completist and have to have it, don't pay a red cent more than the cover price for it. Its only real worth is in its curiousity value.
From poking around, a couple sold last month on eBay for 20 bucks or less. Noble Knight Games also just sold one this month (doesn't show how much). If you watch eBay long enough, I suspect you'll find one for cheap. I got mine there a couple years ago for $3.99 .. that's pretty much a fair price for what it is.
Point of note about Amazon prices - they tend to set them themselves based on availability.

I actually have the Little Red Book, and could therefore put it on Amazon. However, it wouldn't be worth it as I couldn't set the price myself any lower than lowest price, while it's unlikely to ever sell at that price.