for me, at first, it was the very nice BUG WARRORS, a mob of them in the boxed game, that grabbed my attention. the plastic MI powersuits, rules and etc, were nice add-ons for the price when i bought them from THE WARSTORE.
my original cunning plan was to scarf up about a ba-zillion BUGS of various types to use with CR 2.0 rules from THWG, thus providing me with an alternative to the much used/loved plastic genestealers fro GW that i have owned for 20 plus years.
then i read the rule book, and it did seemed to be playable, as well, so i gave it a try using my 40K plastic IG as proxies vs neato plastic BUG WARRIORS from hell . . .
true i was severely PO'ed about getting them to stay stuck together until i was told about using superglue instead of testors tube or liquid glue for assembly. i went back, used superglue, and to date i am one happy MGP plastics user.
i eventually decided to assemble the plastic powersuit MI, which were a bit fiddly, but i have seen a lot worse, and i do like them now.
additionally i have been in love with SST:THE BOOK for more than 40 years, and enjoyed SST: THE (first) MOVIE for what it was, nothing more or less. i also like the ROUGHNECK CHRONICLES.
the quality of the MGP minitures is a bit variable, but over all it is much closer to normal human anotomy than the so-called "heroic" sculpts (which i confess to having a ton of!).
overall, with the addition of the SKINNIES and the later additions to the MI and BUGS, i confess to being a happy gamer (with limited but slowly expanding MGP toys to play SST, CR2.0, and 5150 with.