Why did you get into SST game?

Why do you play?

  • I like Starship Troopers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like the miniatures

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Lieutenant Rasczak said:
I have a 'dodgey' Film cover version that I read normally - as I don't mind if it gets ruined Lol.

My first copy of SST was given to me by my Uncle Joe (sadly he is no longer with us) when I was 9 (in 1971 - OMG I'm old).
Some books just deserve hard cover. My first copy of SST is OLD, early 70's sometime. Blue green with what looks like a giant bug on the cover. But, the cover is long gone, so I spent the money to buy it in hardback.
That, Lord of the Rings, Forever War, the Black Company. Some books, you just need the hardback, so they will last.

tschrivener said:
Some books just deserve hard cover. My first copy of SST is OLD, early 70's sometime. Blue green with what looks like a giant bug on the cover. But, the cover is long gone, so I spent the money to buy it in hardback. That, Lord of the Rings, Forever War, the Black Company. Some books, you just need the hardback, so they will last. Todd

True, I might do that - I have Ebooks of some of my Favourite Novels too.
@ tschrivener: the copy my father read and i have read is the one with the fat bug on it. and yes we vaccum seal it when not basking in it's glory :P .

my father read the story in middle school, gave me the book when i was in tenth grade (i was 15-16 then) as well as having myself and younger brother try our hardest to kill all the bugs in the avalon hill game, which we still have, along with the unpublished updated rules :D ! since i read the book, i have been hooked ever since, and used SST in several essays, poltical and philosophical paper and arguements, rather successesfully i might add.
Actually, for me it was the game system. The SST hook was a bonus. The novel is good, I've got two copies at home - one movie cover one with a much older cover. The miniatures run the gamut of poor to very good, I'm quite happy with the ones I have, but it was the system first and foremost.

Neither of the things on that poll! :D
I heard about it back when MSprange used to post on FrothersUnite, and pictured it as a small scale game without all that many unit choices but a great amount of flexibility as to what those units comprised of (EG training etc.) given the nature of SST (In the books and films etc)... Turns out it wasn't, and MSprange gave up posting on Frothers after a while (I can't really blame him lol).
I got into it because the forum, and scene as a whole seemed pretty open and inovitive, and really open to hobbiests geeky proxy projects, like 40k was in the late 80's. Well that and the GW Cadien plasitc kit was so goddamn spunky I was worn down to the point where it was start playing 40k again (I would have gone with Nurgle Chaos Space Marines, I love cheese!!!!! :D), or get into a buy sci fi game.
Thankfully I persuaded my little brother to buy me the box set when I crashed and burned out of higher education and found myself homeless and destitute, and here I am :D
for me, at first, it was the very nice BUG WARRORS, a mob of them in the boxed game, that grabbed my attention. the plastic MI powersuits, rules and etc, were nice add-ons for the price when i bought them from THE WARSTORE.

my original cunning plan was to scarf up about a ba-zillion BUGS of various types to use with CR 2.0 rules from THWG, thus providing me with an alternative to the much used/loved plastic genestealers fro GW that i have owned for 20 plus years.

then i read the rule book, and it did seemed to be playable, as well, so i gave it a try using my 40K plastic IG as proxies vs neato plastic BUG WARRIORS from hell . . .

true i was severely PO'ed about getting them to stay stuck together until i was told about using superglue instead of testors tube or liquid glue for assembly. i went back, used superglue, and to date i am one happy MGP plastics user.

i eventually decided to assemble the plastic powersuit MI, which were a bit fiddly, but i have seen a lot worse, and i do like them now.

additionally i have been in love with SST:THE BOOK for more than 40 years, and enjoyed SST: THE (first) MOVIE for what it was, nothing more or less. i also like the ROUGHNECK CHRONICLES.

the quality of the MGP minitures is a bit variable, but over all it is much closer to normal human anotomy than the so-called "heroic" sculpts (which i confess to having a ton of!).

overall, with the addition of the SKINNIES and the later additions to the MI and BUGS, i confess to being a happy gamer (with limited but slowly expanding MGP toys to play SST, CR2.0, and 5150 with.

Why isn't "My girfriends kid liked the the demo game at a Con and I deceided to use it as a gateway to minis gaming for him" a poll option?

Liked the book, liked the movie, liked the CGI, have no interest in the game in and of itself. But Shad likes it, so here we are, 1500 points of MI and bugs later, and three full Skinny armies...

Mr Evil said:
bored stupid with 40k

hehe, I quit 40K like 12 years ago. I tended towards playing mass combat games like BattleTech, and had started playing Warmachine about a year previously. Me and a mate played a demo game at a con and really liked the system, and ended up picking up some boxes and minis.
I got into the game because my buddy was utterly jazzed about the game when he first saw it. So I said, "OK, pick the army you want, I'll do the other one." He picked MI, and I got the winning team. :lol:
Adastra said:
I got into the game because my buddy was utterly jazzed about the game when he first saw it. So I said, "OK, pick the army you want, I'll do the other one." He picked MI, and I got the winning team. :lol:

Then I got involved and have given you shortage of headaches. :twisted:
I wanted to get into a war game that I was familiar with the universe. I knew nothing of 40K nor Warmachine! I always heard that GW did'nt treat their customers as good as MGP. And thats being nice. A 40K guy came up to me and said "I'd play it but the models suck." I answered "Oh ya, atleast it's not 40K" and left the table.
I liked the simplicity and already played GoMC1. I heard they were similar.
I like the minis a little bit, but cannot wait for the nw rules, the amount of reactions I got today was silly.
Neither of those things.

I like miniatures games. I had heard good word of mouth about the game. www.thewarstore.com was offering an attractively priced intro deal.