Personally I think mongose are doing god for a copmany that only recently started doing miniatures. PP and GW have brought out gammy stuff in the past too. Some of the rogue trader models were a bit cack, though I liked some. Same goes for those PP Khador Winter guard (their arms are ... best not discussed) as well as some of their early warcasters. And bonejacks just look dopey. Not taking a shot at them though, I like noth.
But EE deos over exaggerate. In the grim darkness of the far future, their are only in bread Uglies. The arms are ridiculously exaggerated, the Cadians look somewaht like neandethals.
As for the MI faces, If you dont like them, thats fine. I assume you are talking about plastic ones. How do you find the metals ones (veterans and female troopers).?
I like their faces, I mean, if you look at most US soldiers, from about twenty fet away they look the same because of the whole shaved head thing and helmets, unless their are major differences in skin colour.
They are not too detaild, and in my humble opinion, have character. The Cadian sergeant head, imo, is not so hot, copmared to the plastic cap dudes, nor are some of the space marines bear heads, with all those manky cybernetics.