White Stars


Miniature ones :)


Got 8 FA-scale White Stars in total, 4 are done and 4 are undercoated. Each one takes about 10 mins to paint :D
lastbesthope said:
So THAT'S what painted ones look like!!!!!



Obviously photoshopped. Everyone knows that White Stars are all metalic gray with no identifying colors at all! :D
lastbesthope said:
All mine are anyway, also they come in 3 distinct pieces that are not allowed to be stuck together.


Sounds like my G'Quans. :) I'm sort of trapped by the fact that my painting skills are horrible(I'll have to post a picture of my Thentus's later) and I want my G'Quans to look nice so they sort of fly around without their bars waiting to be painted before I connect them but they probably won't get painted until I convince someone who knows how to paint to do it for me. :wink:
Well my painting skills are non existent on anything smaller than furniture.

But I view minis painting as like lightsaber construction, it's part of my training and if I don't do it myself noone else should do it for me.

I sent my Narn to be painted by a local pro/friend.

What can I say? I was feeling particularly Centauri at the time.


PS - for those whose paint skills are weaker, or who just want it to be done quickly, I recommend adapting the scheme from the T'loth. Much easier to paint metal and bluish metal than all that patterned red nonsense. Seriously, just who (or what) is footing that Narn Fleet red/orange paint bill?!?
FormShaper said:
easier to paint metal and bluish metal than all that patterned red nonsense. Seriously, just who (or what) is footing that Narn Fleet red/orange paint bill?!?

The Narn paint scheme is the most striking in SF.

Besides as I have said many times, teaches how to paint a thin straight line. :p
Permanent marker pens can help. ;)

Also, I have the "Sky Full of Stars" counter set, in which not all Narn ships are in the red/white/black scheme by a long way. Apart from the obvious exception (the T'Loth), some ships are in other multi-colour schemes, while some of the smaller ships are a single colour overall, e.g. overall light blue or overall green, with some detail areas in grey. The "official" scheme for fighters is green with grey parts, and freighters on screen use a similar scheme.
At the G Quan paint the Wings seperate, than the ship. Finaly put the 3 parts together and paint the sides of the wings and assemblingpoints.

To paint the ships body first finish the maschines sections up and under the hull. Than draw the camoflage with a finelinerpen and fill out with color. Finaly paint orange/or red if you like surround the camoflage... that all.
I have to confess, I considered painting Narn, and painted the top of my dice box as an experiment.

After doing this I decided to go with the LONAW.
Banichi said:
I have to confess, I considered painting Narn, and painted the top of my dice box as an experiment.

After doing this I decided to go with the LONAW

So are Narn dice luckier then.

BTW - Bit blurry but looks fine to me. Besides thats exactly how your average, wasted Centauri captain would see it. 8)
Kickaha said:
So are Narn dice luckier then.

They are for our narn player. I traded them for a box of nice purple ones he had. Can't be using narn painted dice with my centauri, that just would be right. :lol:

Of course I could have just said they were narn dice I had enslaved.
Da Boss said:
Kickaha said:
Banichi said:
BTW - Bit blurry but looks fine to me. Besides thats exactly how your average, wasted Centauri captain would see it. 8)

damn straight 8) :lol:

In fact thinking about it, ....... thats must be why the Narn chose their, most inspiring, red white & black paint scheme in the first place..............
to make their battles more sporting, since it then allowed the average Bravari soaked Centauri crew to actually have slim chance of managing to target & hit their ships.........prior to that it was just no challenge, or fun, at all for the Narn.
Look up dazzle camouflage. ;)

The striped scheme is actually a Narn attempt at stealth. It didn't work very well. Mind you, that's partly because most of the time what they were facing were Shadow ships, and Shadows get a +1 to beat stealth. :lol: