Where does DM get set in the World Builder's Handbook?

Where does DM come from? The first use in the book is on page 15. I realize that it stands for Dice Modifier, but I am not able to see where it is initially determined. Or am I just missing something in the text? The appendix does not list it either.

It is used throughout the book, but I am at a loss of what it is supposed to be initially set to.

Thank you.
Typically how to set die modifiers on a table is explained in the text directing you to roll on the table to begin with. In fairness, this particular table is more complicated to use than most, involving potential rerolls on later columns, referee's choice on which of two columns to use, etc. - the next page explains it but it does need close reading.
Typically how to set die modifiers on a table is explained in the text directing you to roll on the table to begin with. In fairness, this particular table is more complicated to use than most, involving potential rerolls on later columns, referee's choice on which of two columns to use, etc. - the next page explains it but it does need close reading.
Yes, thank you, I read. No mention of what it is for the initial roll.