Ok.. next.. once you find an explored sub-sector of an E.T., how do you determine which of it's neighboring subsectors are also explored by that E.T.? When will you find a core sub-sector?
for an E.T. civilization (and are a standard type), they have a core region:
TL9: 1 system
TL10: 1 sector
TL11: 3 sectors
TL12: 8 sectors
TL13: 22 sectors (most will only get out to 16 or so sectors before running into another E.T.s core, and therefore not being able to expand)
TL14: 49 sectors
TL15: 81 sectors
For the 'simple' version, we start with the assumption that this core area is as close to a square as possible.
Around this core, they have an explored region, which extends approximately 1 sub-sector for each TL above 8. (So, TL11 would have an explored region about 3 sub-sectors 'thick' around its core). Unlike the core, the explored region will extend into other E.T.s core regions. Again, we work with the 'simple' version where this is a square.
TL9: 3x3 sub-sectors (1/9 are core)
TL10: 6x6 sub-sectors (16/36 are core)
TL11: 11x11 sub-sectors (48/105 are core - note these numbers don't match the 11x11 because the core is not actually a square in this case)
TL12: 16x16 sub-sectors (108/240 are core - core is not a square again)
TL13 (assuming 16 sector core): 21x21 sub-sectors (256/441 are core)
TL14 (still 16 sector core): 22x22 sub-sectors (256/484 are core)
TL15 (still 16 sector core): 23x23 sub-sectors (256/529 are core)
Therefore, when the players initially find a sub-sector of an E.T. that is previously unknown, they (among other things) will determine the TL of that E.T.
Then, since this is the first sub-sector of the E.T., we know that it will either be on the edge of the square.
TL9: 1/3 of being an edge sub-sector, 2/3 of being a corner.
TL10: 2/3 of being edge, 1/3 of being corner.
TL11: 9/11 of being edge, 2/11 of being corner.
TL12: 7/8 of being edge, 1/8 of being corner.
TL13: 19/21 of being edge, 2/21 of being corner.
TL14: 10/11 of being edge, 1/11 of being corner.
TL15: 21/23 of being edge, 2/23 of being corner.
With this, when someone explores 'sideways' from the explored sub-sector, the chart is the basis to determine whether the adjacent sub-sector is also explored.
If they explore in a direction immediately opposite of where they know that the sub-sector is not explored, then, if it's a corner, that opposite sub-sector will be explored. If it's TL10+, and it's an edge, that opposite sub-sector will be explored. If it's TL9, that opposite sub-sector will actually be the Core sub-sector for that E.T.
With TL10+, the 'depth' before finding a Core sub-sector is identified above (the 'thickness' of the explored region by TL)
Once the core is found, instead of worrying about the square shape, we simply ensure that there is always a connected 'chain' of core sub-sectors, until as many are found as identified above. (I'll figure out an exact chart later to determine if any given sub-sector is core or explored if it's adjacent to a core sub-sector). Then the explored subsectors are always going to make that x deep 'ring' around the core sectors. If the core isn't found yet, the assumption will be that the explored region will make a square, for simplicity sake. If the core IS found, then the shape will fit the core.
This obviously is fairly high level, and not very helpful. The goal is to take this idea, and translate it into a simple chart, so that based on the knowledge of 1 or more of the adjacent sub-sectors, and how far away the closest non-territory sub-sector is, and how far away the closest known core sub-sector is, you'll have a chart to roll on to tell you if the next sub-sector you are scouting is explored, core, or not part of that E.T.s territory.