What would you do???

R Arceneaux

I have a game comming up Saturday and I want to withdraw my character so I can introduce a new character. A swap for a typical gun slinger hired gun type to an expert on ship design and maintenance who would not know which end of the gun to point at the bad guys.

Well what happened is that the party almost jumped my character for a simple error in reading a handsign. Hostility toward my character was in very very large supply---and I was not even a telepah ;). So the new character was created in the opposite vein--humble but bumbleing..

Anyway the situation is that there are 4 of us two of which have bounties on their heads. We are in front of a building (a storage building) on an alien planet much like earth. There are 4 bad guys are inside with 3 on the outside of the building and one of the three outside guards on the outside of the building has just raised a very very loud allarm due to my error in reading said stated handsign. Weapon is drawn by the way.

Keeping in mind that my character is a crack shot with a hand held weapon and even better with a rifle type weapon, how would you hmmmm discretely remove the character from the game to introduce the new mechanic character? Walk away? Confront the party and then leave? Silently Leave without saying a word? Go into the building pretending to fight and then sliter out a window? How would you suggest I with draw the character?

I am in a slippery mud hole in so much as that I do not want the other players to know that I am withdrawing the character before it actually leaves the party (to prevent any alteration of their actions if ya get my drift) so your recommendations will be much appreciated.

Er... surely the obvious answer is for the gunslinger to redeem himself by making a heroic last stand against the bad guys, giving the rest of the team a chance to escape...
Talk to your GM and work out a fitting exit.

I like the holding off the bad guys while the rest escapes.

If the situation is as bad as your describe it, I'd look for a more forgiving group to play a game with.

Or...roll with it. So what if their characters hate yours? Bester was not exactly well-liked on the show, but he was one of tghe best characters.

Either make a hero's stand and let them escape, or just tell 'em that you aren't afraid of their pokes and jibes.

Or...since you have a bounty on you...get yourself arrested. That is a fast character-switcher.


Mission done. Many thanks for the replies.

I took the path of the glorious charge into the valley of death. However unfortunately I did not exactly die--1 life point left.


Anyway I came close enough that the GM said it was OK to withdraw the character while he recooperated from his being shot in the plot line so I could bring him back at some future time if I chose to make a cameo appearance.

Well anyway I hope they like my new character. Its a SHE and a whiz on making repairs (super mechanic/super tech) to space transports and capital ships and heavy weaponry. In short all she will do is fix the engine, the hull, and the heavy weaponry and thats about all she will do.

I dont expect to advance very fast up the ladder of levels and such.

LOL, It will be interesting to see how my fellow players adapt to a sweet Mother Theresa/Mary Poppins/fix ya some chicken soup when ya got a cold kind of character in a universe filled with less than honorable people.