What fleet compositions do you dread facing...

I don't know what you're complaining about matey, you DID kill the Sharlin :( !
Admittedly, you probably weren't planning on losing a Warlock, Poseidon, Omega, 3 Hyperions, 2 Chronos, 2 Myrmidons and 4 Hermes... :twisted: but that's about the ratio we Minbari work along 8)
I dread mostly the ISA. having AA, dodge, awesome speed/turning and great weapons makes them very powerful in the right hands.

I also dread a fleet of tankers, you get more than four of those in a fleet and they can mess things up royaly, heck even one is deadly. :shock:
Well, no-ones said Gaim yet so I guess everyones OK with that fleet. No need for a new fleet list in next months S&P. :lol:

As the Gaim fleet is broken until the revised update. I think the Gaim being dreaded with e-miney cheesey badness is a given.

But I think because they are broken (until update) not many people play against them.
Crusade Era EA: 1 Marathon, 2 Hyperions, 1 Chronos, 2 Myrmidons.

At least I think that was the nasty combo I found.
Kutai gunships. Those little buggers can deal more damage than any ship that size has a right to, they've got a Hull 5, and they've got a Dodge.
Any Centauri fleet with a Corvan and a Liati, i always make the mistake of filling the scout first.

By always I mean once, but then I've only faced this combo once.
lastbesthope said:
Any Centauri fleet with a Corvan and a Liati, i always make the mistake of filling the scout first.

By always I mean once, but then I've only faced this combo once.

Filling it with what? ;)
lastbesthope said:
Any Centauri fleet with a Corvan and a Liati, i always make the mistake of filling the scout first.

By always I mean once, but then I've only faced this combo once.

you used to do that in 1e too with jump point bombs on corvans rather than other targets IIRC
Yeah, but I'm learning all the time, next time, take out the Liati first.

The force multiplying effect of a Scout is lessened by removing the force that it multiplies :twisted:

lastbesthope said:
Yeah, but I'm learning all the time, next time, take out the Liati first.

The force multiplying effect of a Scout is lessened by removing the force that it multiplies :twisted:

Ah young padawan, I can provide more teaching at Mongoose Hall... :p
Too old! Too old am I to begin the training! :lol:

Seriously, I'll take any tutelage you can spare me Triggy, thanks.

You know I'm not in the tourney though, right. I'm demoing WaW

lastbesthope said:
Yeah, but I'm learning all the time, next time, take out the Liati first.

The force multiplying effect of a Scout is lessened by removing the force that it multiplies :twisted:


Don't let the Liati tear out your throat while you are trying to squish the scout...