What Adventures are Easily Moved to other sectors?


Right now I'm looking at Mysteries on Arcturus Station, I'm assuming it's not hard to move it to the Spinward Marches, but I don't know.

And in a more general case, are there some adventures more tied to the politics and locations of a particular sector than others? Anyone have a list?

Most of them are very easy to move. A few, mostly the big complicated ones like Pirates of Drinax, are challenging to move. But all the short adventures are easy to move with a few name changes and maybe sticking secondary world in a system if you don't want to adapt too much. Some nasty hellplanet or space station can be in literally any system. More specific world set ups might be trickier, but remember that many systems have distant companion stars that can have their own habitable zone if you need a place to stick a planet, especially a little visited one.

And you can just plain swap a planet if you want. I really liked how Bellerophon from Nomads of the World Ocean was and I had a water world (Sansterre) in my chosen region. So I just transplanted all the stuff I liked from Bellerophon to Sansterre. Done.
Most of them are very easy to move. A few, mostly the big complicated ones like Pirates of Drinax, are challenging to move. But all the short adventures are easy to move with a few name changes and maybe sticking secondary world in a system if you don't want to adapt too much. Some nasty hellplanet or space station can be in literally any system. More specific world set ups might be trickier, but remember that many systems have distant companion stars that can have their own habitable zone if you need a place to stick a planet, especially a little visited one.

And you can just plain swap a planet if you want. I really liked how Bellerophon from Nomads of the World Ocean was and I had a water world (Sansterre) in my chosen region. So I just transplanted all the stuff I liked from Bellerophon to Sansterre. Done.
Thanks, that's good to hear. I was afraid that adventures set in Solomani systems would be heavily Solmani-fied. :D
Nah, People are people and the differences between Solomani, Vilani, and the standard Imperials are pretty minor, more than outweighed by the nature of the world and its challenges. You might have to reskin the secret police of one place as a different secret police. But humans in the Rim are still humans and Bell of Rocamadour can be put elsewhere. It'll just take some thought. Are they still space catholics or are they Children of the Stars. Nothing particularly difficult.

Adventures involving jumping from world to world might require a bit more effort to adapt to the actual worlds in your area or add in additional secondary worlds. But I can't think of any of the regular adventures in CT or MgT that just don't work if you move them.