What about the Conan license?

tarkhan bey

It's fast approaching the time when the license is to be reviewed. Are Mongoose Publishing still in the hunt for a renewal?
It would be a great pity if the license was lost for lack of effort(although I doubt that would be the case).
When exactly does the license expire and can we, as long time supporters, of the Mongoose Conan line, hope for a host of freebie downloads in the closing days (Vincent's work on the Black Kingdoms, Eric's Samara adventure/mini campaign)? :wink: :D
From what I gathered, Mongoose has already decided not to even try renewing the license. MGP Conan is being phased out. Hence the 50% off hardcopy books sale in the webshop; they want to get rid of their stocks as long as they are still allowed to sell them.(*)

As I take it, the 'goose is giving up the license because the Conan estate has thrown several wrenches into their gears last year, like by vetoing the planned Thurian Atlas and various other awesome-sounding projects. At some point you just have to draw the consequences and get off a ship before it sinks.

*) at least they have the opportunity to plan ahead, and make use of it. Wise move. Reminds me of how WotC withdrew the D&D license from their German publisher on very short notice, who then was left sitting on huge piles of freshly printed German 4E books that they weren't allowed to sell anymore. That can really break a small publisher's back, and in Germany all RPG publishers are small because of the limited market.

Well, all good things must come to an end, I presume. I hope we'll be able to keep this message board.
Clovenhoof said:
Well, all good things must come to an end, I presume. I hope we'll be able to keep this message board.

Matt's already said that it will most likely be folded into the "Other Games" forum unless, by some miracle, the Mongoose license is renewed.

That's why I've been going through the older threads, bumping the gems the emerge from the dust--to grab that stuff before its hard to find.