Victory at Sea on iOS and Android


Staff member
Victory at Sea KickStarter bid set to launch 1st of May. If you want to help get a massive World War Two strategy game to your mobile device read on to find out how you can get involved!

On the 1st of May 2013 iEvilGames will launch their first Kick Starter bid. It is an ambitious project, taking the established and popular table top board game Victory at Sea by Mongoose Publishing, and turning it into an epic and hugely detailed war game for the App Store and Google Play.

The iEvilGames team are big fans of large scale, in depth strategy games and Victory at Sea is just the vehicle to give handheld gamers something serious to get their teeth into.

Victory at Sea is a highly successful table top game made by Mongoose Publishing, the company behind the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game, A Call to Arms: Star Fleet and Babylon 5: A Call to Arms games. The mobile game will encapsulate the vast amounts of information behind the table top version which will help to create a massive video game. The IOS and Android versions will also inherit the fast flowing rules that allows novices and veteran gamers alike to enjoy recreating the epic struggles between the mighty fleets of the era.

As a thank you for the support there will be a whole host of original items that you can get your hands on when the KickStarter begins in May, including customised laptops, iPhone cases and the chance to get your likeness in game as a Captain or Admiral of a mighty Battleship!

If you want to make this happen you can find out regular updates on;
The iEvilGames site

James Carroll


We have been creating some assets for the app, it's all early days and these are all prototypes. Any feedback or thoughts would be welcome!
Just a reminder we launch our Victory At Sea Kick Starter next week! We have been building a buzz on some forums and Tweeting left right and center about it! If anyone is interested in getting involved or learning more about how we are approaching this version please ask ;)
