V2.0 Tech Levels

AKAramis said:
And the feel of Traveller is very much "16th Century Navies In Space" with later graft-ins of "Yanks in Space"...
I've always thought of early Classic Traveller as being more "17th century Navies in Space." :) Later that feel evaporates fairly rapidly with the inclusion of Naval ships the size of the Plankwell.

The inclusion of the Purple Heart as a wound award was a big give away that the game had elements of "Yanks in Space." Certainly some of the Gurps Traveller books tried to move away from the "Yanks in Space" thing.
Nellkyn said:
The inclusion of the Purple Heart as a wound award was a big give away that the game had elements of "Yanks in Space." Certainly some of the Gurps Traveller books tried to move away from the "Yanks in Space" thing.

I think all that's a side effect of when it was written. There's a 'Nam Vet' feel to a lot of the stuff that was being done creatively at that time, such as in movies, comics and tv, probably because a lot of the authors either were or knew vets themselves.

So there's no reason such stuff should be regarded as absolute canon.
From another thread:
Occupant said:
SimonIllev: Can I get a satellite cell phone with text messaging, phone camera, internet browsing, radio, push to talk, gps, call registers, and video calling?
Warren Okuma: Sorry you are going to have to settle for the primitive, inferior TL12 communicator for 500cr.
That's an important issue with the TLs of several items in the current drafts: most players would be assuming that RL tech would be available in the TL 7-9 range rather than above this. Some 1970's assumptions have to be changed in order to maintain suspension of disbelief for newer players.