Usable material as download

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Hi I think some downloads would be a great help for gaming.

1.) Charaktersheet in black and white and good readable.

2.) Planet sheet like in good old day of traveller with place for any needed informations

3.) shipsheet all you need for spaceships
I would like to see something for :

:idea: Less time preparing and more time gaming
A one-shoot demo scenario for convention.
Pregenerated characters for starting up a convention game faster.
Something like an apetizer scenario for "Fiary Trial" would be really cool :wink:

:idea: Easier rules access for player
A lite version rules used for character creation because when a group of 6 players want to make them characters at the same time it starts to become a mess. :shock:
Usually, there is only one "signs and potents" book around the table: GM's one. Moreover this book contains few "GM only" stuff. :twisted:

:idea: More extra rules
More download like worker class
Alternative class
Rules/info about commerce

:idea: More SF flavor, "Techno bubbles"
More ground vehicules design (military and civilian)
More ships design (military and civilian)
More blue-print: like the startfury in Signs and potents.

:idea: More about B5 "off road" story
More about Dilgar war
More about Earth Alliance expansion
More about the Earth-Minbari war
More about the telepath war
More about EA gropos and fleet
More about third space alien
Anything to make GM life easier when making a campaign not center at B5

I also second all other request
Anonymous said:
galaxymaps from other ages (dilgarwar,2258 etc.)

I've been using the maps I found on this page (you'll need to scroll down to get to the maps).
JMT said:
:idea: More about B5 "off road" story
More about Dilgar war
More about Earth Alliance expansion
More about the Earth-Minbari war
More about the telepath war
More about EA gropos and fleet
More about third space alien
Anything to make GM life easier when making a campaign not center at B5

Thats material that would be better off in future sourcebooks than as a free download, but I would like to see something on all these suggestions.
Wulfhere said:
:o are this maps canon ?


The 2258 map may be good looking, but is fanmade. It's somewhat right, but not quite (compare to the current "standard", the B5-RPG map from the basic rulebook, or the back of the "The Fiery Trial" supplement; also available at the Mongoose download area). Don't be surprised if you use that one, and that find it doesn't match some other info... (or that it has a Vorlon symbol in the middle of the Narn Regime, an mistake AoG made in their beginning...)

The others, 2156, 2226, 2260 and 2263 were made by the HRT ("historical repair team" a bunch of freelancers that were working a lot with AoG on making sure history of their stuff matches). They were "works in progress", released after AoG's demise, and are rather good (if speculative on part of the 2263 map), except the 2156 one (while I was working with one of the HRT on some project, we realized it couldn't be right as a few of it's features made for serious historical entanglements and hard to believe fluff...)
thanks for the info shadowscout. to bad this maps would be a nice adition... :twisted:
so i Hope we will see as soon as possible some new maps from mongoose :wink:
at last for every seasonbook there should be a new map for download.
:twisted: can t log in I hate this day
How about a area for downloads which are fan made.
What would be Ars Magica with out the fan made formulars ?
