Upcoming Products for Third Imperium


I am just curious if you have any thoughts on what and if there will be more products to the Third Imperium in 2013? It just feels as if my collection is not yet complete...

thanks for doing it and thanks for AD 2300!!! *Big Halloween hugs to all on Mongoose team!*
It would just be nice to get a little semi-official statement from Mongoose for example:

"in 2013, we want to continue to write the Alien Modules, maybe starting with the Vilani and Kree and hopefully do a book about minor races before the year's end"

"Apart from adding a new Alien Module, it is our hope to write a book about the Traveller's Aid Society and at least one sector. We have debated what sector to do, but the choices that we have debated in the office are: Ilelish, Core and Antares."

I do not wannt to have a definitive schedule, just what is on their minds :)
That is why I love this company, they are so good at letting us know their aspirations, not just what is going to their printers.
Dunia said:
It would just be nice to get a little semi-official statement from Mongoose for example:

"in 2013, we want to continue to write the Alien Modules, maybe starting with the Vilani and Kree and hopefully do a book about minor races before the year's end".

Every so often (annually, I think), Matt Sprange does a "State of the Mongoose" address which does what you are asking for.

Patience :)
I can tell you that, right now, I have on my desk (or about to arrive) Droyne, the first Minor Alien Module, and the new Trillion Credit Squadron...
Oh thank you, I am so looking forward to those books.

Well, not the Trillion credit Squadron, it is not a book that I think I will find useful in my campaign. So I will probably not buy that one. (Unless a win a redoncolous amount of money and I have bought all other things I want and still happen to have another £20 left).
The unamed minor race sounds intriguing, though I personally don't know if the new Trillion Credit Squadron will be appealing.

However, after the recent confusion over the availability of the Deneb and Solomani Rim sector books, I'd like to know how they'll be published - will they be released to shops, or will it be a POD/ebook release only through the Mongoose/Drivethru sites repectively....

One other item that could be placed on the list is the Pirates of Drinax campaign. If RPG sales are as slow as suggested in the Deneb thread, then it may make more sense if the whole campaign is released in one (paid for) volume, rather than dribbling out piecemeal for free (the former allowing Mongoose to amortise the writing and editing costs faster).

So, in many ways, a wait and see situation for the state of the Mongoose statement.
I would love to see a book that gives a more detailed view of the Travelers Aid Society and what they do. It is a book that is really needed for the Third Imperium Setting.
delrom5 said:
The unamed minor race sounds intriguing, though I personally don't know if the new Trillion Credit Squadron will be appealing.

The unamed minor race might be found around Gateway, then again it might not be.

Trillion Credit Squadron puts you in control of large fleets.