Trying to find a few B5 ACTA Minis.



Looking for the following Babylon 5 A call to Arms Miniatures. I don't care if they're painted or unpainted. If they're part of a fleet, I'd make you an offer on the whole fleet. Sorry I really don't have other mini's to trade. But I'd pay cash thru Paypal (almost as good!)

Centauri Adira Battleship
Narn Ka'Bin'Tak
Brakiri Riva Super Heavy Fighter
Drakh Patrol Ship
Drakh Scout Ship
Dilgar Garasoch Heavy Carrier
Dilgar Kahtrik Assault Ship
Dilgar Mankhat Dreadnaught
Dilgar Omelos Destroyer
Drazi Claw Eagle Assault Frigate
Drazi Firehawk
Drazi Fireraptor Battleship
i believe the dira was banned by the Geneva convention, and the eurpean bill on human rights as a WMD. seriously, you could kill a small country if you dropped it on them.
Not sure which ones you still need, but I might have a few of these I'd be willing to part with. LMK...

Cheers, Gary
all i was able help with was dilgar so I know hes still looking for everything else on that list

Hi guys!

Sorry, I didn't know responses were being posted here. I have managed to complete my collection thanks to many of you here!

Thanks so much for your help, it is greatly appreciated!
