Traveller Open Content - New Programme on the Way!

If you are publishing that stuff on DTRPG with the TAS license, that's no problem. It remains in force. What's still being addressed is new content derived from Traveller like Cepheus or things you want to sell that aren't via DTRPG as there is no standard license for those things currently in place.
The OGL remains valid. So material derived from the 1st edition Mongoose Traveller SRD can still be released. But there are two problems with this. The first is that nobody trusts Wizards of the Coast not to try again to revoke the parent licence. Such an attempt may not be legal based upon legal principles such as promissory estoppel and detrimental reliance. But fighting this in court is beyond the means of anyone else in the industry. The second problem is that Mongoose Traveller 2e is a better system than its predecessor. There are a lot of subtle improvements and enhancements.

If you want to publish material not based upon the 1st edition SRD or using content derived from the OTU, then you need a different licence to do so. The TAS programme provides such a licence. There are some restrictions on what you can do with it. And there is a royalty arrangement where Mongoose / FFE get a cut. But it's still reasonable.

The new open content programme is an equivalent to the old SRD based upon the second edition rules. Matt has indicated this may be use the ORC licence released by Azora Law. Creation of the ORC licence was funded by Paizo, but they don't control it. The ORC licence has different terms to the older OGL. But it is a perpetual and irrevocable licence. So it is on firmer ground. The main area of debate seems to be about the viral nature of this licence. If you release derivative content under this licence, some of your material automatically becomes available for other people to use. The details are in the licence itself. Some publishers love this and some hate it. Personally, I think it is reasonable that if you are using someone else's IP under the licence it is reasonable that you give something back to the community. But not everyone agrees with this view.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but is there any update available yet? The State of the Mongoose hinted that you are looking at a custom licence rather than using either Creative Commons or the ORC licence. Are you in the position to reveal anything about the proposed new licence yet - even with the caveat it is still a work in progress. Why did you come to this decision?
A draft of the new licence is in existence right now, and needs some tweaks from the lawyers - we hope that will be done in the next 2-3 weeks. After that, we will be sending it to some of the Cepheus publishers for their comment along with (hopefully) a draft of the new SRD. Any further tweaking will be made at that stage and then, with a fair wind, we should be able to launch it.

If we are really organised (!) we will also do the planned update for the TAS programme at the same time and, maybe, bring a Third Way for Traveller publishers into the fold.

So, apologies for the delays, but just a tad more patience should be all that's needed!
Keep in mind that Roll20 own Drivethrurpg now. So there might be contractual reasons why that isn't possible. But we won't be privy to those.
Late comment to this, but I didn't see anyone following up. Just want to put in that since Roll20's acquired or merged with OneBookshelf (Drivethru) I haven't seen any drop in content put out on Drivethru or DMsGuild for Foundry. Actually the opposite, most Foundry content and more systems on Foundry. I don't know if DriveThru offers products for other VTTs beside Roll20 and Foundry.
Thanks for the reply. Is the new licence specific to Traveller or is it a general open licence other RPGs can use too?
A draft of the new licence is in existence right now, and needs some tweaks from the lawyers - we hope that will be done in the next 2-3 weeks. After that, we will be sending it to some of the Cepheus publishers for their comment along with (hopefully) a draft of the new SRD. Any further tweaking will be made at that stage and then, with a fair wind, we should be able to launch it.

If we are really organised (!) we will also do the planned update for the TAS programme at the same time and, maybe, bring a Third Way for Traveller publishers into the fold.

So, apologies for the delays, but just a tad more patience should be all that's needed!
Well you know where to find me.. :)

As for CC programs.. Miskatonic with Chaosium is going great guns.. shows what can happen..
Hi @MongooseMatt and crew. How does the current licensing work with regards to VTT content? For example, if I wanted to create an adventure and convert it to a VTT module, is that possible? What about supplementary items like tables, star ship designs, etc?