Ursus Maior said:
adzling said:
We use FGU, very happy with the experience the developer who is very responsive and putting out nearly weekly updates.
This looks like a very powerful tool, adzling. Could you talk a bit about the features available for GM and players? How would one categorize, file or structure handouts, worlds, tables etc. to be made available to players? Can a information be distributed to different users in different ways? I. e., are permissions given per character or user?
hey Ursus, will try to.
The GM has control over what is shared but cannot share it within individual players.
Chat can be whispered to individual players however and between players.
Files are simply added by dropping the correct picture into the correct folder in FGU's repository (you can create different campaigns and import images into just one campaign or into your global FGU folders where all campaigns will be able to access them).
You can then open them within FGU to add grids, fog of war etc.
Any image can accept tokens representing people, ships etc.
Battles can be setup in advance, ready to go with the press of a button.
Targeting is as simple as dragging a line from your pc to your target and the system will calc all the mods and let you roll 3d dice to determine the outcome.
All the normal mg2e rules are in there (boon/bane, modifiers, etc).
Any attack that hits automatically adds the effect to the follow-on damage roll etc.
Manual text entry is very easy if you want to create your own notes or even copy and past text from a pdf adventure into FGU for your own use (I did this for bt-sht 365 in my campaign).
PCs can be entered manually or created in FGU.
There are records/ databases for all the major moving parts of traveller (equipment, starships, systems, etc) so you can access, track and use them in-game without having to manually enter all the info.
This does mean you will need to buy the traveller books for use in FGU even if you own the PDF or hardcopies already.
I'd focus on the core ones (core rules, high guard, csc).
PoD is due out soon which I am very excited for as my table is about to start it and buying it will save me tons of time when refereeing it.
The developer just added space combat but there's a few more elements to get working (such as crew assignments) before it's fully operational.
let me know if you have any other questions