Traffic patterns for Space Travel

I'm not saying there couldn't be a separate, independent starport in a system. Traveller is about the Referee making decisions how things look. World generation as a whole has always been one starport per system and any edition featuring detailed system generation has always used much more limited spaceports for non-mainworlds.

The centrality of commerce and traffic has been a regular feature. For a OTU campaign, it may have been an established plan by the Imperium that the majority of world have deemed a good standard. By all means though, the Referee is ultimate word.
It could very well be that the system regime has an ultra modern space harbour hat operates under their control and laws, that their local corporations all use.

It's just that outsystem captains prefer to use the Starport, much as Americans look for the Golden Arches; it's familiar, and there are no surprises.