Tower of the elephant - Any news?

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
Who will be the first to give us a review of the new booklet?
I suggest he wins a smiley or, at his choice, the left ear of the elephant, the king keeps the trunk.
Haven't seen it yet either. I'm really looking forward to the Heretics adventure myself. I'll wait to hear reviews on Tower...
The King said:
Who will be the first to give us a review of the new booklet?
I suggest he wins a smiley or, at his choise, the left ear of the elephant, the king keeps the trunk.

I would be delighted to review it in exchange for a complimentary copy.
*Wink, wink* :wink:
got mine from mongoose towers today but to be fair got my wife too pick them up as the post in swindon can add weeks till I get something and it is sweet 8)
The King said:
Who will be the first to give us a review of the new booklet?
I suggest he wins a smiley or, at his choise, the left ear of the elephant, the king keeps the trunk.
First news from NYC:
It ain't here yet. Don't know when it will be.

(Yeah, having a smartass morning, blame it on the construction crews tearing up the street & sidewalks outside my place, that's what happens after 8 consecutive days of torrential rain).
The King said:
Who will be the first to give us a review of the new booklet?
I suggest he wins a smiley or, at his choice, the left ear of the elephant, the king keeps the trunk.
I just understand now I made a kind of unvolontary pun :lol:
We had 8 days of continuous heavy rains. Somehow the flooding caused the power lines (which are run underneath the streets in the 5 boroughs of NYC for the most part) to fail, so the power company is tearing up my street to dig up the old power line and install the new power line, which is currently on the sidewalk on my side of the street. Jackhammers stopped at 11:30 last night, started at 9am this morning. Hopefully they'll have it done by Monday. :roll:

Thanks for asking.
Rain is NYC and summer time in Europe. All the scientists talk about the climatic changes with numbers but we experience it live for a few years now.

This planet will get rid of these fleas which called itself man and the major earthquakes that occured and will very probably occur again haven't anything to do with climate.
The King said:
Rain is NYC and summer time in Europe. All the scientists talk about the climatic changes with numbers but we experience it live for a few years now.

This planet will get rid of these fleas which called itself man and the major earthquakes that occured and will very probably occur again haven't anything to do with climate.
I already heard some info on Heretics of Tarantia but nothing on The Tower. Did anyone receive it? I would like to know about priest Yara's level because up to now it is one of the powerful scholar that wasn't included in the scrolls of Skelos (as was Pelias).
MightyCthulhu said:
I just checked with my FLGS. They say the distributor does not have it yet. Looks like I'll be waiting at least another week. :(

I checked again with my FLGS last night. They say that No US Distributor has the book! How long are we going to have to wait over there? I've got my PCs running side quests to buy myself some time, but I'm afraid they will level be 5th level before I can get my hands on the book!
I checked again with my FLGS yesterday. They say that No US Distributor has the book!

Is this book available in the US? Are the distributors clueless?