Warships this time theyre all great as far as Im concerened but which do you like the most?
It was a hard choice but in the end I went with the Warlock. The Sharlin is probably the best ship of the lot up there due to stealth but I just love the Warlock, its tough as nails and packs a hell of a punch too. That said the Victory is just pure evil when it gets a good volley off (I played a few little ship duels to test some of em out and practically one shotted a Bin'Tak (6,5 crit with lightning cannon = PAIN)
It was a hard choice but in the end I went with the Warlock. The Sharlin is probably the best ship of the lot up there due to stealth but I just love the Warlock, its tough as nails and packs a hell of a punch too. That said the Victory is just pure evil when it gets a good volley off (I played a few little ship duels to test some of em out and practically one shotted a Bin'Tak (6,5 crit with lightning cannon = PAIN)