Hello all, I am just putting this down to talk about my campaign and some things I discovered while playing, I don't have my notes with me but I thought some of these thngs might be helpful to others as there are some overall conceptual thoughts in addition to ones that are rules specific.
First off, give away free Savage Sword mags and you will be loved!
All the preparation in the world , is never enough. I need to finish that GM screen.
The GM screen does not need all of the DC's I had, More importantly, different adventuring and combat related scenarios need be available with different dice modifiers.
In example, I did not know off hand that if someone is engaged in combat and another person enters the fray, That the person already engaged gets a -4 to his spot, but could possibly be aware.
If someone is being grappled , other than an opposed grapple check to break free they can just take a -4 to their attack and still be able to attack ( I believe they need to be wielding a light weapon or natural and lose their dex on D)
I will never again use D20 in place of a base 10 plus modifiers, It takes too friggin long to resolve combat and makes it very difficult for me to track everyones stats.
I wonder what everyone else that is a GM keep as their help notes to facilitate the session better.
I need not underestimate the players and fear killing them as they should be given choice to fight or flee, just present the situation as I see fit.
Not sure if rolling initiative for an entire army of foes (5-7 in this case) Is better than rolling separate initiatives. The first way is easier to track but the players get lost as they are not involved for a while. The individual way causes a longer roll time and is more difficult for me to track.
When tracking my players in order and marking of rounds of combat, leave space in-between as when people delay it screws up everything from a tracking standpoint.
Make a sheet that includes all of the stats I need refer to often as GM for each player, so That is wher D20 is definitely out instead of base 10.
Well, That's all I can think of at the moment, except I need to remember better who hits who better to add the subsequent +1's to melee attacks on the same foe. I had a tough time doing this and if someone decides to attack another enemy in the game does that change the + modifier back to square 1? Does it last just around or does it carry round to round?
Thanks and maybe we can make this a place for postings of this nature that will hopefully help everyone. As I have found when you run the game you learn the most over just reading.
First off, give away free Savage Sword mags and you will be loved!
All the preparation in the world , is never enough. I need to finish that GM screen.
The GM screen does not need all of the DC's I had, More importantly, different adventuring and combat related scenarios need be available with different dice modifiers.
In example, I did not know off hand that if someone is engaged in combat and another person enters the fray, That the person already engaged gets a -4 to his spot, but could possibly be aware.
If someone is being grappled , other than an opposed grapple check to break free they can just take a -4 to their attack and still be able to attack ( I believe they need to be wielding a light weapon or natural and lose their dex on D)
I will never again use D20 in place of a base 10 plus modifiers, It takes too friggin long to resolve combat and makes it very difficult for me to track everyones stats.
I wonder what everyone else that is a GM keep as their help notes to facilitate the session better.
I need not underestimate the players and fear killing them as they should be given choice to fight or flee, just present the situation as I see fit.
Not sure if rolling initiative for an entire army of foes (5-7 in this case) Is better than rolling separate initiatives. The first way is easier to track but the players get lost as they are not involved for a while. The individual way causes a longer roll time and is more difficult for me to track.
When tracking my players in order and marking of rounds of combat, leave space in-between as when people delay it screws up everything from a tracking standpoint.
Make a sheet that includes all of the stats I need refer to often as GM for each player, so That is wher D20 is definitely out instead of base 10.
Well, That's all I can think of at the moment, except I need to remember better who hits who better to add the subsequent +1's to melee attacks on the same foe. I had a tough time doing this and if someone decides to attack another enemy in the game does that change the + modifier back to square 1? Does it last just around or does it carry round to round?
Thanks and maybe we can make this a place for postings of this nature that will hopefully help everyone. As I have found when you run the game you learn the most over just reading.