Thieve's world?

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I know there was a Thieve's world companion once upon a time for RQ. Is there any plans on trying to get this setting under the RQ banner once more?
Archer said:
I know there was a Thieve's world companion once upon a time for RQ. Is there any plans on trying to get this setting under the RQ banner once more?

It was not just for Runequest, it included stats for D&D, Traveller, Lands of Adventure and more.

Oh and it is Thieves' World (plural!).
Greg Smith said:
Archer said:
I know there was a Thieve's world companion once upon a time for RQ. Is there any plans on trying to get this setting under the RQ banner once more?

It was not just for Runequest, it included stats for D&D, Traveller, Lands of Adventure and more.

Oh and it is Thieves' World (plural!).

As for the spelling, it says Thieve's world on the cover :)
Not the one I've got.

All of the novels I own are spelled that way too.

Since Green Ronin have the TW licence, I can't see Mongoose being able to publish anything.
Greg Smith said:
Not the one I've got.

Nor do any of the novels I've got.

It did on the "Thieve's world compendium" I had here (I do not own it any longer). But you are right, it is spelled Thieves' world on the novels.
nysalor said:
What or who is 'Thieve' and why it is his or her world?



That thieve will most likely be Shadowspawn, John... :roll: His world by inheritance, after all his grandpa is chief of (Ilsigi) gods. :twisted:

I guess that a new edition of RQ will spawn a couple of fan adaptations to favourite literature settings. I used the Sanctuary setting for my Glorantha (city of Refuge, there was a quite good adaptation to southern Heortland in the French magazine Tatou), and I'm a bit tempted to finally do a Midkemia campaign with the rules rather than just rob concepts (and cities) to use in other settings.
nysalor said:
What or who is 'Thieve' and why it is his or her world?



I'm guessing nysalor rolls his eyes about the fact that there's no such word as 'thieve'. It's either 'thief' (singular) or 'thieves' (plural). :wink:

As for Sanctuary, it's full of thieves, therefore it's supposed to be their world. Shadowspawn happened to be one of the more well-known professional thieves. But I suppose you know that already...
Turloigh said:

I'm guessing nysalor rolls his eyes about the fact that there's no such word as 'thieve'. It's either 'thief' (singular) or 'thieves' (plural). :wink:

Having enjoyed meeting John Hughes at Tentacles two years ago, I know his weakness for anglo-saxonisms in barbarian speech. He even managed to use "wald" for "forest" in his latest Whitewall-related contribution to Ye Booke of Tentacles.

So: there is no such word like "thieve" in modern English, but that doesn't stop people like John to use antiquated terms. Rarely antiquated spellings for their own sake, though...

Turloigh said:
As for Sanctuary, it's full of thieves, therefore it's supposed to be their world. Shadowspawn happened to be one of the more well-known professional thieves. But I suppose you know that already...

Yeah. I still contend that there aren't that many sons of Shalpa crawling about in Sanctuary. :twisted: :wink:

Just because we're new to this forum doesn't mean we aren't old farts. :shock:
jorganos said:
Having enjoyed meeting John Hughes at Tentacles two years ago, I know his weakness for ... <snip>
Umm... OK. I admit to being outsmarted.

jorganos said:
Just because we're new to this forum doesn't mean we aren't old farts. :shock:

Come to think of it, those of us who have read Thieves' World the first time around, AND have played RuneQuest before, are actually bound to be old farts.
Turloigh said:
Come to think of it, those of us who have read Thieves' World the first time around, AND have played RuneQuest before, are actually bound to be old farts.

Too true.

I am a grandfather of FIVE [with another on the way]. :shock:
Hope the editors are reading this...

You have my vote to adapt thieves world to RUnequest or D20...

Loved the books btw....
It was a fantasy/swords and sorcery 'shared anthology' published back in the 80's as series of stories set in a fantasy city called Sanctuary. The stories revolved around several roguish characters, ie thieves, and were written by various fantasy writers of the era. Chaosium published a boxed rpg set utilizing the setting and characters, and I believe it was dual statted, BRP and another system, or two. That's all I remember, someone else might come along and add something else...oh, some of the writers were, if I remember correctly, Lynn Abbey, Piers Anthony, et al...pretty much most of the fantasy writers of the late 70's and into the 80's.
Robert Lynn Asprin was the one who got the ball rolling on the whole thing, along with Poul Anderson if I remember correctly.

David Drake also took a shot at it as well. Though I have found that most of the stories after the first book were only so/so...

Actually there is a new series of Thieves' World books. To my knowledge there are 3 already out the first one is a novel and another two are anthologies by various writers.

The new stories are sent at another era from the first series (I don't remember how much to the future but some of the old hands are still there although not that active).