The Next "plain wrap" Supplement...

iamtim said:
simonh said:
Maybe I should pitch this to Mongoose as an article for S&P.

Sorry, after I made the initial post a draft was submitted to me that I reviewed and accepted, so I've been dealing with getting that ready. Negotiations and all that.

So it looks like we'll have a new "plain wrap" supplement: the celestial chorus: five angelic entities, written by Michael Hopcroft. This supplement details five different types of servants that various and sundry dieties might send into your fantasy games for purposes known only to the diety. It includes new angelic traits, and includes five sample angels.

Look for it soon, I'm going to try and slip it into my "production schedule" next because the draft is largely completed.

Hm, while I really like the idea of godly servants, I hope this "traits" section of your product is rather small. There are other rule systems on the market with many many traits and additional rules included, which doesnt really improve these games. Personally I would rather like to have high quality background infos which can be used by me in my games.

So if I have a good background story and motivation of an interesting godly messenger, his relationships with others combined with one or two illustrations I would be intersted in your add-on. If this add-on is just some stats combined with new abilities (traits) its not my cup of tea.
Enpeze said:
Personally I would rather like to have high quality background infos which can be used by me in my games.

While backgrounds are important, a good background isn't worth the paper it's printed on if the rule system doesn't have the mechanics to simulate what's in the background. So we have to devote a significant portion of the supplement to explain how the entities work in the RuneQuest system (which doesn't have a whole lot of rules for beings of divine power anyway.)

Enpeze said:
If this add-on is just some stats combined with new abilities (traits) its not my cup of tea.

Well, it is more than that, but I don't labor under the false impression that the "plain wrap" supplements are for everybody. That's why they're no-frills and cheap -- you can buy the ones that are for you, and ignore the rest (Gloranthites, for instance, probably won't have much use for five classic fantasy monsters; the backstab gang: five ready-to-run NPCs might be right up their alley, however, with a quick replacement of goblins with trollkin.)
As the writer of the book (pamphlet?) in question, I should point out that the Celestials in the new book are defined largely by the tasks the deity ask them to perform on a regular basis. I did not write them up with Glorantha in mind because I have seen very few such beings in the Gloranthan literature -- in that world, a god who wants something done badly enough will come down to earth and do it themselves.

Of course, whether you all think I got it right, wrong, sideways or purple is something you can tell me once you read it.
iamtim said:
While backgrounds are important, a good background isn't worth the paper it's printed on if the rule system doesn't have the mechanics to simulate what's in the background. So we have to devote a significant portion of the supplement to explain how the entities work in the RuneQuest system (which doesn't have a whole lot of rules for beings of divine power anyway.

I can design stats for the most entities in the game world in a few minutes (at least in BRP/RQ). In fact I am doing this the whole time during my games with many NSC. So this is not big deal for me.

What I would rather need are innovative ideas about the ways these creatures act and some plot hooks how I could integrate them in my games. And pictures of them to show to my players.

iamtim said:
Well, it is more than that, but I don't labor under the false impression that the "plain wrap" supplements are for everybody.

Maybe you could post one single pdf-page with a sample creature on your webpage to show how they are designed. This would help in a buying decision.
iamtim said:
So we have to devote a significant portion of the supplement to explain how the entities work in the RuneQuest system (which doesn't have a whole lot of rules for beings of divine power anyway.)

I think the heroic abilities (is that the name?) go some way to bridge the gap, being very remeniscent of the powers gained through heroquesting, which were never realy explained in RQ previously. On the very rare occasions when I have had servants of the gods show up (two I think), I've either used a very powerful spirit, or an inteligent elemental with magic.

Enpeze said:
(Gloranthites, for instance, probably won't have much use for five classic fantasy monsters; the backstab gang: five ready-to-run NPCs might be right up their alley, however, with a quick replacement of goblins with trollkin.)

True, but then Glorantha is big enough, and contains enough bizzare one-off situations or localised situations that you could find a small lost valey of the orcs or whaever, in the wilds of Ralios say, or Pamaltela, without any problem vis a vis consistency with canon.

Simon Hibbs
Enpeze said:
I can design stats for the most entities in the game world in a few minutes (at least in BRP/RQ).

Well, I'm sorry to say, you probably don't need any of the "plain wrap" supplements. They're largely designed to be no-frills, focused, open-content crunchy bits that you can use in your RuneQuest games. If you don't need crunchy bits, they aren't the products for you.

We went over the top with the backstab gang: five ready-to-use NPCs by including a sample hideout map; the only reason that was done, however, was because the author created one and included it just because he wanted to.

Enpeze said:
Maybe you could post one single pdf-page with a sample creature on your webpage to show how they are designed. This would help in a buying decision.

"Plain wrap" supplements usually contain between 10-15 pages and sell for less than $3.00. Our first supplement, five classic fantasy monsters, received a 4 out of 5 star review on RPGNow Edge. One page is a very significant chunk of one of these products.

If you don't think this product is for you, I apologize. Each product isn't for everyone. Hopefully you'll find one of our other products to your liking, and hopefully other people will find this one to their liking.
I liked the Five Classic Fantasy Monsters, even though I am a Gloranthaphile. I wouldn't have been that keen on the Backstab Gang, as I'd have had difficulty using it, but if it comes with biographies and a hideout map, then that makes it more attractive.

The angels supplement sounds good as well.
soltakss said:
I liked the Five Classic Fantasy Monsters, even though I am a Gloranthaphile. I wouldn't have been that keen on the Backstab Gang, as I'd have had difficulty using it, but if it comes with biographies and a hideout map, then that makes it more attractive.

The angels supplement sounds good as well.

I hope it is good, although "angels" is somewhat of a misnomer. After all, different deities send different sorts of beings to perform different tasks.

In any event, none of these are people you want to pick a fight with. Particularly Arata.
I'd be very interested to see some interesting or unusual locations, complete with residents.

For a perfect example of what I'd like, take a look at Firshala's(sp?) Prison in Griffin Mountain. Interesting location, cool inhabitants (a spirit looking for worship plus some guardians), and some excellent background material. If you go easy on the background, it would be very easy for people to drop it into their own world (whether Glorantha or another)

This sort of thing is great for me, because when my players are travelling somewhere, and I've got nothing planned, I can drop it into the game with a minimum of fuss and that's the evening's session sorted.

Two or three of those should be possible in a 15 page PDF, and I'd certainly buy it. 8)
gamesmeister said:
I'd be very interested to see some interesting or unusual locations, complete with residents.
This sort of thing is great for me, because when my players are travelling somewhere, and I've got nothing planned, I can drop it into the game with a minimum of fuss and that's the evening's session sorted.
backstab gang has part of the first para and is a perfect match for the second...
Halfbat said:
gamesmeister said:
I'd be very interested to see some interesting or unusual locations, complete with residents.
This sort of thing is great for me, because when my players are travelling somewhere, and I've got nothing planned, I can drop it into the game with a minimum of fuss and that's the evening's session sorted.
backstab gang has part of the first para and is a perfect match for the second...

Based on this I just bought BG - really excellent stuff. Interesting NPCs (I really liked ShortThought and Thinker) and well written too, it was a great read.

Now if you combined what you've done there with a more detailed lair (a couple of pages should probably do it), even if that means upping the price slightly, it would be perfect for what I'm looking for! :D
First although 5 classical monster may not fit in in mainstream Glorantha. they are still places a Gm could use them for an occasional foe. Perhaps they live on an island in the eastern islands( or elsewhere) or underground near rhe Crack? Or how about some powerful wizard who summons them from another plane to do his bidding.
Now as far as what I would like to see, How about a list of npc such as patrons that new characters can work for or town npc(merchants, bar wenches ect) that players can interact with.
I'm glad you all are enjoying the "plain wrap" supplements! And thanks for your purchases.

As a third party publisher, Glorantha is right out for me. From a rules perspective, though, there's no reason that any of the supplements wouldn't work in Glorantha. (Interestingly enough, the initial drafts for the backstab gang used trollkin instead of goblins; we had to change that, though, as trollkin are not OGC.)

I've been approached by one of the posters here regarding a "plain wrap" setting which would easily integrate ALL the other "plain wrap" supplements; I have yet to follow up with that poster in detail, though, because my hands are filled with the "plain wrap" supplements currently in the pipe.

But yeah, keep up the purchases. And if you buy them from RPGNow Edge, please leave comments telling everyone how much you love them.


iamtim said:
I've been approached by one of the posters here regarding a "plain wrap" setting which would easily integrate ALL the other "plain wrap" supplements; I have yet to follow up with that poster in detail, though, because my hands are filled with the "plain wrap" supplements currently in the pipe.
